Poison Sword Master (1)

'This kid... Seems like there is still quite a lot that I don't know...'

As Mu Chen saw Bao Hu leave towards the direction of Western Continent at full speed with an excited grin over his face and thought these things

But still Mu Chen sighed with another mysterious grin over his face as he looked at the panel which was actually a map indicating Bao Hu approaching Western Continent at extreme speed

At same time there were a few statistics laid out at the corner of panel which showed the mental condition of Bao Hu

Mu Chen had somewhat guessed what was going to happen in future as he was aware of all the characteristics of his disciples

Luo Xi was a leader type, Ming Yue was a noble guy with charismatic presence, Ye Hu was just kind and loyal kid but among all disciples the one who was closest to be called a true evil who only wanted fall of protagonist was Bao Hu

It was ingrained in his very existence to defy the protagonist and destiny to either die or kill the protagonist himself

And for that he was always ready to go to any limits and even gamble his own life for this, but still Mu Chen and other loved ones were always his top priority

'Seems like I will be getting a lot of work done for almost free this time!'

Mu Chen grinned and returned to his mansion meanwhile after a few days Bao Hu arrived at the 7 Sword Sect by himself while Sun Yang was still confined underground with no way of knowing what's happening outside

And the existence of a Peak Martial King of someone of age as young as Bao Hu can't be ignored just by anyone

And there is no way they would be able to ignore Bao Hu who was even leaking his aura on top of 7 Sword Sect

And the fact that the sect master of 7 Sword Sect was merely just a Stage 3 Martial Venerable increased the seriousness of the matter even more

Within the matter of seconds Bao Hu got completely surrounded by the Elders and Sect Leader but it seemed like people gathered there didn't had any intentions to attack rather than that the situation seemed quite favourable towards Bao Hu

"Oh my~ What a pleasure to see the 3rd disciple of Sword Ruler Mu Chen himself in our sect!"

"My~ I can't believe a Martial King at such young age~"

"I can't even begin to imagine how talented the young master is"

"Waah~ A once in million year genius!"

Everyone surrounding Bao Hu was completely amazed and the purpose of Bao Hu for coming here was also something along the lines

'So for my goals let's start with entering the 7 Sword Sect but of course I need some good-'

Bao Hu was just thinking about his purpose for coming here but just then suddenly the man hailed as the a Sect Leader of 7 Sword Sect appeared in front of him with that complimentary smile over his face

"Oh, you didn't need to come here yourself young lord, we have already punished that evil Sun Yang,

Please don't worry too much about this matter, someone like him isn't worthy of your attention and on top of that you also have some important dutie-"

"I'm not here for that matter!"

The Sect Leader of 7 Sword Sect just started giving rough explanation after inaccurately judging the situation in front of him

But his expressions and creamy words were cut off in middle by Bao Hu and this came as quite surprising for everyone gathered there

"If not punishment to Sun Yang then, are you perhaps here to take some kind of treasure of 7 Sword Sect as an apology?"

The Sect Leader was quite old looking and he had already expected dozens of different situations that could be possible reason for Bao Hu's visit to their sect

He was an old fox in this field so of course he was knowledgeable of hundreds of possibilities in such tough situations

"Hey you guys, do you think I'm some kind of bandit or something for me to travel such a kind distance by myself just to get a little treasure from your sect?"

Everyone once again became shocked by this announcement, in the cultivation world if someone did offend anybody of status as high as Mu Chen

Not only should he consider losing his life and all treasures, it was completely normal for his backers to also get dragged into a mess and suffer heavy losses

But Bao Hu wasn't saying anything that got along with the reasoning abilities of the others from 7 Sword Sect gathered there

Everyone was confused but just then Bao Hu himself explained his reasoning for coming here

"I came here for some other reason, as my master had said, that incident was just a mere bet I don't take any grudges from that past, I just wanted to see your '7 Sword Demon Slaying Formation'"

As Bao Hu said that everyone seemed little confused about it, the 7 Sword Demon Slaying Formation was greatest treasure of 7 Sword Sect

But even then it was clear that Heavenly Jade Sect wasn't much of a need of such grade is treasures

The 7 Sword Demon Slaying Formation was just merely Emperor grade treasure while Heavenly Jade Sect under the hidden rule of Mu Chen had flourished enough to have atleast 7 Emperor grade treasures

"I have a special interest over sword related treasures so if you all don't mind, in return I can show you my strongest sword technique once!"

Bao Hu's suggestion was quite rough but after matching up all possibilities the faces of elders and sect leader suddenly brightened and Sect Leader himself suggested

"Then why don't you be a most important guest of 7 Sword Sect Young Lord Bao Hu?"

"Of course!"



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
