Poison Sword Master (3)

"We will do our best!"

There were 7 disciples and all of them bowed to Bao Hu with bright smiles over their faces, to this Bao Hu just smiled and thought

'This Sect Leader surely knows how to carry favours and brighten up the new relationships...'

"Then I will be counting on you all"

As Bao Hu said that other elders and Sect Leader immediately left with smiles over their faces

Now Bao Hu and other 7 disciples of 7 Sword Sect were left alone in the new residence of Bao Hu inside the 7 Sword Sect's Core Region

The 7 Sword Sect was mainly divided in 3 regions, outer sect where the outer disciples and other low ranking members resided along with some herb gardens

Then there was an inner sect area where inner disciples and a few elders resided and there was also a facility of the library and other kinds of alchemy, beast and formation halls

And finally the core sect area which was residence of top most elders, sect leader, core disciples and this was also safest and most important place of sect

Bao Hu was placed at this place from the start and now he was sitting inside the hall of the mansion while enjoying his tea

The 7 disciples of 7 Sword Sect were also standing in front of Bao Hu with bright smiles over their faces

This current situation was a kind of mutual agreement where those 7 disciples gained the chance to spend their time with one of the greatest geniuses of all times

Bao Hu was one of the beings to reach the realm Martial King peak state within a century and without a doubt he was practically a being destined to reach highest stage of world

With his own talents combined with support of his friends and senior disciples and backing from Mu Chen himself

There was possibly not a single being in the world to stop him from reaching the high stage of the world

And with someone like him having this much potential it was clear that even just merely being an acquaintance can be a big status in this place

And now these 7 disciples had been selected as the helpers or somewhat of an subordinates of Bao Hu right here

This was highly profitable job for them and with Bao Hu being so charismatic and Sun Yang confined underground there was practically no chance for any backstabbing or betrayal from the side of those 7 disciples

Bao Hu who had somewhat understood this same situation smiled in his heart but just as he was feeling a little happy the one out of 7 disciples gathered there started her introduction

"Young Lord Bao Hu, I'm Xuan Fei the core disciple of 7 Sword Sect and other six gathered here are also the core disciples

We will do our absolute best for you and do our best to meet your requirements"

She was quite confident with her words and sincerity was visible directly in her eyes, Bao Hu nodded but suddenly Bao Hu noticed a little trembling in hands of the disciple that just said those words

She was looking towards gate of the hall as if she was desperately waiting for someone

"Whom are you waiting for Xuan Fei?"

Bao Hu directly questioned those words with a smile, Xuan Fei was surprised and felt a little trouble to report this situation but that charismatic look of Bao Hu was enough to overpower her sane mindset

She was about to say it out herself by sugar coating her words and saying it in a way that won't offend Bao Hu but suddenly another girl with lighter mental endurance threw the whole thing in front of Bao Hu like a plain open book

"Actually there are 8 Core Disciples in the sect and all of us were instructed to take care of you but the disciple sister Shu Pei seems to be still late

She used to be always on time and serious at her work and held a high charismatic and leadership aura with her

But as she got in contact of Sun Yang the serious charismatic and leadership aura of hers suddenly disappeared

She acts very childish sometimes and all her maturity always seems to have disappeared in thin air"

Bao Hu listened all her words with interest and nodded with a serious look and cold smile over his face

The other 6 disciples looked at that girl with are you serious? look over their faces and dead look over their eyes

"Well I guess that Sun Yang was really some kind of a person with bad fortune, but to see this, I think since we all are free right now let's take our time to visit Core Disciple Shu Pei by ourself!"

"Great idea!"

"I agree!"

"Then let's do as you say!"

"Yes, I will bring you all to her by myself!"

Bao Hu and other disciples were just about to move again but suddenly the being they were waiting for arrived at the hall by herself

Shu Pei was covered in sweats and her whole body indicated that she does realise why she was late and she came as the way here in rush

"I'm sorry it took so much time! I will do my best to help you in your all kinds of situations and be best helper possible!"

Bao Hu nodded but the next moment a sudden thought crossed his mind and with a smooth smile he questioned

"Tell me the reason for your delay?"



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