A Cold Playboy? (2)


I know, I know, I know everything you single bastards! To ease your pain take extra chapter!!!

And at least comment! I know you can't imagine much so just say 'Fuck the couple bastards!'


"That's enough for today! You all take a break for 3 days and relax your meridians and muscles, if I saw a single one of you practicing secretly I will punish you by piercing my whole sword right inside your ass!"

All the Core Disciples present there felt shivers right down there spines and replied while nodding fanatically


Saying that everyone was about to leave with sweats covering their faces but Bao Hu suddenly grabbed Shu Pei's shoulders and said

"You aren't allowed to leave yet Shu Pei..."

All the eyes of Core Disciples who were just about to leave suddenly shone like curious cats with a look of excitement over their faces

Shu Pei was also absolutely confused about the situation, the situation between Shu Pei and Bao Hu was still at the level of just good friends

It was still not at the stage where Bao Hu can just stop her like this but next moment Bao Hu revealed his reasoning

"You still haven't comprehended even the fourth level of 'Nirvana Ice Sword', and you look like you can still do a lot so just continue the training"

There was a look of disappointment and relief in eyes of all other Core Disciples but next moment everyone of them felt that cold gaze from Bao Hu

"Still not leaving?"

As Bao Hu said those words with his eyes shining in cold light every one of them left the place in a flash with deep fear in their eyes

"Leaving! Leaving!!!"

"Hahaha! I will be the first to leave!!"

"Me too!"

"Don't leave me behind ya all!!!"

7 Core Disciples left in a flash but now there was only Bao Hu and Shu Pei standing in the middle of the yard all alone

"Show me your Sword Technique!"

Bao Hu was first to command with poker face over his face and Shu Pei just nodded without any rejection


She took deep breath inside and next started showing her sword technique

'Nirvana Ice Sword'

Shu Pei's sword was very graceful and charismatic, each one of her move was extremely accurate till now and cool too

But just as she was about to make her fourth Sword move suddenly her front legs slipped

'Oh crap! I will fall on my face!!!'

Shu Pei was completely panicked now now but just as she closed her eyes in panic Bao Hu made his move

Bao Hu grabbed her by her front stomach by placing his hand at her naval and grabbing her shoulders

Shu Pei once again opened her eyes but next she noticed Bao Hu right besides her face looking at her face

She was in complete daze but next Bao Hu pushed his face closer to her and said

"You need to learn to balance yourself you know, I don't always be with you to save you"

Bao Hu whispered those words and removed his hands after Shu Pei balanced herself

"I will keep that in mind!"

Shu Pei said her words with a little disappointed look over her face and low voice but suddenly next moment a thought came to her mind and she started shaking her head like an idiot

'Why am I feeling disappointed!?! Why did it feel so sad when he left me!!! No no no no! Calm down Shu Pei this is just an illusion!!!'

Now Shu Pei couldn't hide her blushing face anymore and Bao Hu observed her whole body and next moment a grin appeared all over the face of Bao Hu

Bao Hu suddenly picked up Shu Pei in princess carry like state and started walking towards his mansion

"Wh-what!? What are you doing sir!?!"

Shu Pei was obviously caught off guard in this situation but Bao Hu still did not give her any explanation for a few seconds while she was shouting

After she calmed down a little Bao Hu commented "You just injured your left leg while practicing the technique you fool, it can be risky if you moved your body now!"

As Bao Hu pointed out Shu Pei looked downward and noticed the swollen leg of hers

She was surprised and after a little thinking she replied "I'm sorry, the Nirvana Ice Sword numbs the pain of the user, so it takes time for one to realise their injuries..."

"I know that!"

Bao Hu just nodded with a straight chill look over his face and next placed her at a bed inside his mansion and said

"I'm good with medicines, although not better than my sister or master, I'm still one of the best ones, let me take a look..."

Bao Hu said that and grabbed Shu Pei's swollen legs, Shu Pei was completely surprised by this and panicked

"Yo-you shouldn't trouble yourself like this! I-i can manage!"

She was trying hard to avoid it but Bao Hu just quietly picked out his acupuncture needles and said

"Be silent and let me do my work!"

There was a sound of authority in his words and Shu Pei immediately went silent, next she noticed all 9 needles floating in air covered in deep silvery and greenish aura rushing towards her leg

She didn't feel any discomfort as those needles got stuck to her leg and slowly the swollen legs started returning to normal

Bao Hu looked at her and commanded "The process starts now, try to indure it!"

Bao Hu grinned while a look of horror flashed through eyes of Shu Pei and for next 3 hours straight the treatment continued

"Ahn.. pl-please I can't take it anymore... Uahnn... Ahnnn... Please let me go now.... Uuuhh... This is just too good... I'm about to... Ahhhhh! Ohhh ahn ahn ahn..."

Although some suspicious noise was coming from that room but that was just the treatment, Bao Hu's spiritual energy passing through those needles provided quite a pleasurable feeling to someone as sensitive as Shu Pei

"Stop making weird noises, I won't say it again!"

Bao Hu commanded with a straight face while Shu Pei completely covered in sweats and super super ultra sus look over her face just nodded while hiding her face in pillow



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
