Evil Cultists (2)

All disciples and Elders are surprised by the presence of so many evil cultivators all over the skies and land around Heavenly Jade Sect and stared at the direction of all those evil cultivators with deep surprise and nervousness

"Hahahaha! Is that all for this Sect!?!"

"Can't believe just this much strength for a sect which holds that Mu Chen guy!"

"Looks like we really overestimated that Mu Chen, he doesn't seem that strong with such a weak sect as his base..."

"Haha, these bastards might just die with my strength alone!"

The evil cultivators were discussing those things about annihilation of Heavenly Jade Sect and Mu Chen up high in sky

The disciples and elders were completely capable of hearing those words and the pressurized aura and killing intent released by them sent shivers all over the place

The trees and ground in the surrounding were slowly starting to degrade because of evil energy released by those Evil Cultivators

But just a fear was taking over them suddenly Mu Chen entered the place with grin and floating over the flying sword in air

Mu Chen released a huge aura and presence all over the place as soon as he arrived there, Mu Chen was standing alone high in sky while all the evil cultivators stood western direction with a little nervousness in their eyes

Mu Chen's presence and pressure covered all one million evil cultivators who had gathered there for this battle

"You all really went all out heh..."

Mu Chen muttered those words with a grin and a sharp cold look over his eyes as he stared at all the evil cultivators gathered in front of him

Next moment suddenly the disciples of Heavenly Jade Sect noticed the plants and trees which were getting degraded by presence of Evil Cultivators suddenly started to grow at monstrous speed

All the damage had been reversed and next they noticed Ye Hu moving towards Mu Chen in sky with a smile over her face

"Hey is that!?"


"The disciple of Sleeping Dragon Peak..."

"All together..."

Next everyone noticed Luo Xi, Ming Yue and Bao Hu also moving towards the direction of Mu Chen in sky with a grin over their faces

The gazes were just following the disciples of Mu Chen but before anyone could even notice Xi Shi had already arrived besides Mu Chen with her sword and cold air waving around her

"Hah!? You think showing off will work!?! Are being real here!?!"

One guy who was wearing a dark robe with creepy presence and a lot of immense evil energy and cultivation realm of about a state 1 Martial Emperor said those words with a grin

As he said those words a ray of hope ignited in the eyes of all evil cultivators and sudden cheers rose over the place

"Yeah! Guardian Wu has reached realm of Martial Emperor!"

"No need to worry!"

"He will annihilate whole sect alone!"

"Right hahahaha!!!"

The evil cultivators suddenly seemed much more confident and nervousness in their eyes disappeared within a second only to get replaced with those hopeful eyes

But all of this was only till Mu Chen hadn't opened his mouth

"Then since ya all are so confident, then let swords decide future..."

Mu Chen said that pointed at direction of evil cultivators with a grin over his face and as he did that suddenly other swords rushed from Mu Chen's back also rushed at direction of evil cultivators

And in a flash the two evil cultivators besides the leader of all those evil cultivators got their necks thursted by Mu Chen's sword

The head of Evil Cultivators who was apparantly called Guardian Wu looked at front of him with a surprise

His head was still processing what just happened and mind was in complete chaos

'I couldn't even see the swords...'

But suddenly next moment he moved his gaze at front and noticed Mu Chen rushing at his direction with a grin over his face

Guardian Wu reflexively blocked Mu Chen's sword slash but from Mu Chen's sword stance it was clear that Mu Chen was just toying with him

"Hahaha, since you came all the way here then entertain me well!!!"

Mu Chen said those words with a grin and the words reached all the evil cultivators standing in front of him

Each of them felt shivers and next a series of sword strikes rushed at direction of that Guardian Wu

'Gotta block it!!!'

Guardian Wu did his absolute best to defend but Mu Chen just casually changed to direction of swords at exact right moment and just slashed the face of that Guardian Wu

The aura of Mu Chen and Guardian Wu guy was so intense that none of evil cultivators had capability to fight

Everyone just watched the bloody battle or you could say Mu Chen just one suddenly beating the old man

The evil cultivators who just had ray of hope of in there eyes and a thought that they could easily annihilate Mu Chen and his sect completely

All of it slowly turned into fear and extreme horror, a look of despair slowly over took their body and mind

"N.no.. more... Please just... Kill me..."

A confident Guardian Wu from a few minutes ago had now changed into a pitiful guy who was basically begging for death now

His whole face had turned into pile of blood and flesh because of Mu Chen's small slashes over his face

There were over hundreds Sword slashes all over his face and none had any ability to even recognise his face now

"Hooo~ are you done already... I wanted more tho..."

Mu Chen said those words coldly but next moment he gripped his hands tightly in air and whole body of that Guardian Wu exploded in air and before it could even reach ground dark flames turned it into nothing

Everyone was now watching Mu Chen in surprise and next Mu Chen turned his cold gaze towards the Evil Cultivators gathered in front of him and commanded

"Then let's get the party started now..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
