So innocent (2)

"Two new cliffs I mean..."

As the elder said that suddenly various disciples and a few elders from Dripping Moon Palace suddenly dashed upwards in the sky and the scene in front of them left then in complete daze

Everyone moved there gazes around the forest and as they did that noticed two huge cuts over the forest

Those two cuts started from the Dripping Moon Palace to this place, a two whole 18 miles long cuts formed by a pressurized sword moved made by Mu Chen with a gap of at least 100 meters

"Is that a sword aura..."

"A sword intent! It's a sword intent left by cuts!"

"Holy shit!"

"Holy cow..."

Everyone who saw this was absolutely in daze and amazement by this kind of display meanwhile over the ground

Sun Yang was literally trembling under the gaze of Palace Master and Mu Chen, Yang Qian gritted her teeth and looked towards Mu Chen and shouted

"Why are you all bullying him!? What is your problem? Why do you all keep picking on him!?!"

She looked quite determined with her words but suddenly Mu Chen started laughing seeing those eyes

"Hahahahahaha! Now that I look at this again, isn't this the Sun Yang, the disciple that was thrown out by the 7 Sword Sect for creating a mess and almost dragging the whole continent into the time of chaos

If I remember it right, aren't you the one who stole something from an evil sect and dragged chaos everywhere

Thank God, my disciple Bao Hu solved the trouble there and do you know..."

Mu Chen stopped in the middle of his words and removed all the pressure over Sun Yang and slowly moved towards him

As he arrived right in front of Sun Yang lying over the ground like a crushed butter, Mu Chen once again opened his mouth with cold eyes

"Do you know the number of evil cultivators that came for me after cleaning up your mess there?"

Mu Chen suddenly changed his gaze towards the direction of Yang Qian besides Sun Yang and continued in a disappointed tone

"And this is what I get after taking on all your troubles, It looks like people of the Western Continent don't give respect to their saviours huh..."

Yang Qian felt goosebumps throughout her body because till now what Mu Chen had stated were all facts even if they were a little manipulated

Suddenly next moment the Palace Master started trembling and immediately replied

"Elder Mu Chen, I apologise for all this disrespect, you are here as the main guest but even then you got accused by these worthless bastards!

I'm extremely sorry for this, our Western Continent still has its righteousness inside it, let me punish them and prove it!"

Palace Master said that and started walking towards Sun Yang but just then Mu Chen stopped him and said

"Don't worry, Palace Master, it's just a small matter, I was just saying things, I'm not offended by the little words of these hypocrites..."

Palace Master heard that and with a sigh he stated

"Elder Mu Chen, you are just too kind and mature, if there had been any other person he might have already killed them by now..."

Mu Chen just nodded silently with a smile while inside

'I have suffered through a world of extreme hypocrites you know, there were people running wild calling themselves single celled organisms, bi sexual and what not?

That extreme level of hypocrisy, socialist, modern feminism and what not, I ain't getting offended by just a accuse that even an old lady in her 80s might make in my world just because of the flowing wind...'

Mu Chen sighed remembering everything about his last life and moved his attention once again towards Sun Yang and a grin appeared over his face

""""Oh my you little chick, seems like you got trapped quite badly in here, how does it feel to kneel to a person responsible for all the accusations hmm?

Oh let me tell you a fact, your guess is indeed right, my disciples were the ones to kill those little shits there but here now, you are the one taking all the blame for me isn't it frustrating?

Wanna kill me? Annihilate my family? Annihilate my sect?! Oh then why haven't I heard that word, what was it called 'Courting Death?'""""

Mu Chen said all this directly inside Sun Yang's mind through telepathy, the face of Sun Yang kept darkening as time passed

"This... Cursed bastard..."

Sun Yang muttered those words while gritting his teeth but suddenly another message dropped inside his mind

""""Oh I'm starting to pity you now, why don't you take the last surprise of the day from my kid, you might forgive me now right?""""

As Mu Chen said that his gaze moved backwards and a sound of a girl was heard by all and attention also moved towards her

"My... Isn't it Sun Yang, the banished disciple of my Sect, is he still daring enough to run wild everywhere..."

'The best way to ruin relationships, this way provides 99.999% chance for ruining romantic relationships and it is

Bringing the ex in the middle of a smooth sailing fantastic romantic life...'

Mu Chen grinned and looked backwards and replied

"So you are finally here... 7 Sword Sect's core disciple, Shu Pei..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
