Yang Clan Annihilation (6)

"We are here to annihilate you all from the face of this world completely..."

As Bao Hu finished his words the eyes of Yang Clan Patriarch finally started showing the fear inside of them

And the reality of difference in strength finally hit him hard and the pride on his strength slowly started to crash before Bao Hu's overwhelming strength


Yang Clan Patriarch grit his teeth and once again tried to gain advantage over the battle and covered his face for a moment and suddenly smoke started coming out from near his body

Bao Hu looked amused by this attempt for survival and looked over the man with a grin and in a flash Yang Clan Patriarch rushed away from the grasp of Bao Hu

"You really are father to that loser hah~"

Bao Hu commented while making an evil grin as looked over Yang Clan Patriarch who was standing at distance of few meters with his face covered in blood and various wounds all over his body trying to breathe normally

"Hah! Hah! Huf! I'm not done yet..."

Yang Clan Patriarch looked over Bao Hu with a resolute look over his face and that same self supreme looking shine in his eyes

Yang Clan Patriarch was currently at absolute disadvantage but seems like the plot armour doesn't only cover the protagonist, side characters related to protagonist are also under shade of this heavenly tree called plot armour

Right in front of Bao Hu he took out a golden pill from under his robe and gulped it down in one go

As he did that suddenly his aura and cultivation started rising at immense speed and in a matter of seconds suddenly he broke through to 3rd stage of Martial Venerable Realm


Yang Clan Patriarch roared over the skies as if he had ascended to dragon or something and once again looked over Bao Hu with calm gaze and new confidence running through his eyes

He looked over Bao Hu again and said in resolute tone with aura literally almost exploding out of his body

"You are wrong here young brat... My son isn't a loser, he is someone who helped the clan at its lowest and is definitely the most important person to me and this Yang Clan

As long there is even one person alive from Yang Clan, we will fight by his side no matter what happens in the future!

I won't allow you to disrespect my son any furth-!?"

Yang Clan Patriarch was going on about how his son protected the Clan and his achievements and other things

But just as he showed his intent to continue the fight while grabbing his sword and fist tightly, Bao Hu rushed right in front of his face at almost in a instant

Bao Hu's fist landed directly over the mouth of Yang Clan Patriarch and this time he wasn't trying to just damage him

This time what Bao Hu wanted to give him was an pain that will hurt as hell to him, most of teeths from Yang Clan Patriarch's mouth were taken out by that one punch

Bao Hu's sword covered in chain completely shattered the sword held by Yang Clan Patriarch in one go


Without even realising the movements of Bao Hu, Yang Clan Patriarch found himself lying over ground with face covered in blood and all bones over his nose and mouth shattered in pieces

He was looking forward to the sky with widened eyes that couldn't accept the reality just yet but next moment a cold face of Bao Hu appeared between his eyes and the moon

Bao Hu's both fists were covered in green chains and next his both fists landed over the face of Yang Clan Patriarch and Bao Hu commented

"You said your Yang Clan will stay by that fuckers side as long as even one of them exist right?

Then I assure you right here and swear under these heavens that none... Not a single one of Yang Clan's bloodline will be leaving alive this bloody night..."

Yang Clan Patriarch widened his eyes in despair, even with all he had, even after using his last card he had, he couldn't even assume the level of strength Bao Hu held

He could have thought about this difference in strength from beginning but now he no longer had any choice to choose from

And a barrage of fists landed directly over his, Bao Hu was completely enraged and kept smashing his fist over again and again

But suddenly Ye Hu arrived right behind him with the head of one of Yang Clan men and the needles behind her were also carried dead corpses, body parts or were just drenched in blood

"Oye... Remember the promise brother..."

Ye Hu's words were completely cold, Bao Hu was still filled with killing intent and completely cold but as soon as he saw Ye Hu's face

Bao Hu stood back up leaving Yang Clan Patriarch alone and alive over the ground with almost dead eyes and blood filling the ground near his face

"I remember my words sissy... But I will be one to smash open that Sun Yang bastard myself.. the last blood of Yang Clan will be vanished by my sword!"

Ye Hu nodded and Bao Hu left the place, Ye Hu turned back to look over Yang Clan Patriarch and muttered and nerves popped out in her head

"This bastard brother! He is acting just like master acting like he left things for me but he already got all good ones for himself..."

Ye Hu sighed as she looked back where Bao Hu was quite literally the poison demon in middle of battlefield and turned her attention back to Yang Clan Patriarch

Yang Clan Patriarch also looked at her with no spirit or hope left in his eyes but suddenly a evil grin appeared over her face too

"Well my master said mental harassment is far more cruel than physical harassment, let's check it out if its true..."

As she said that needles behind her shrinked to normal sizes and green flames covered them in a flash



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
