Continental Commotion (3)


[Now that's really amusing]

Both Mu Chen and the system seemed surprised as they looked in front of them, they just passed through an extremely ordinary looking cave and in a matter of minutes they have arrived at the village

"Well now, calling this a village will be an insult to all architects haha..."

Mu Chen looked in front with amazement, Mu Chen looked downwards from about 60 meter high cliff and noticed the small village from last time had grown to a first class small city

The houses and roads had been built perfectly, the current level of growth seemed to rival any first class city of the world

Mu Chen's immortal eyes also scanned through the village and Mu Chen noticed about 8 Martial Venerables present in village excluding Shao Ting and there were also dozens of spiritual formations everywhere

There were also many people living in the caves inside the cliffs and this village was filled with cultivators

"I'm impressed..."

Mu Chen commented in satisfaction and along with Xu Can directly jumped towards the centre of village

While on the other side almost all villagers had already gathered at the centre of the village along with Shao Ting who arrived here first

"Oohhh! Lord of coming!"

"Hey, you young brats, don't dare to act rude!"

"Yes! Yes, we will be careful!"

"Is he the one dad talks about..."

Everyone was looking towards the sky from where Mu Chen and Xu Can were slowly floating towards them

Their gazes slowly noticed the appearance of Mu Chen as he landed slowly in middle of all villagers and observed them

Everyone was dressed up in good clothing and looked healthy and satisfied, Mu Chen looked happy seeing them and commented

"The village seems to have grown huh, I see many new faces now..."

Xu Can and Shao Ting nodded in approval, Shao Ting greeted Mu Chen again just like other villagers again

"We greet the mighty lord!"

Mu Chen nodded with grin and replied softly

"Well it wasn't that big of a deal, but truly I'm quite impressed by all your hard work over decades..."

Hearing Mu Chen's eyes everyone suddenly looked like they will cry any moment right now, the old folks directly started kneeling and young ones also followed them

Next moment Mu Chen noticed every single being of village, which was several hundreds of people kneeling to him and an old looking man shouted with voice filled with deep gratitude and emotions

"My lord, please don't say it like this, if it hadn't been for you there would have been no village, no villagers, no family and no friends!

And not only did you save us, you even gave us a chance to avenge our loved ones, the debt you have on our souls is immeasurable

Please make use of us in any way you want!"

Mu Chen nodded with a smile and didn't try to stop them as he cared for their feelings and replied

"With the strength you all possess, I don't think I can use you all right now but it's different if given the time of a few more decades..."

The eyes of villagers shone in light, Xu Can and Shao Ting also looked happy seeing they have finally a chance to start repaying for Mu Chen's generosity

"Lord, these are the Eight Elders of Raining Leaf Village who manage things here, they have different roles and specialties!

From training new ones, taking care of villagers, skills, formations, poison arts, concealment and arts of a spy all these are taught by these Elders!"

Xu Can pointed at eight people in front of Mu Chen, Mu Chen looked at their faces, seven of them were the first generation Raining Leaf Village people who were rescued directly by Mu Chen

And the last and youngest girl seemed to be from the second generation but all of them had straight overwhelming loyalty towards Mu Chen in their eyes

"Good talents"

Mu Chen smiled in satisfaction and by now Mu Chen had finished all his observations about the village,

'This village, I just wanted them to live happy satisfied lives and strength fit to defend themselves from ordinary causes

But seems like they are truly determined huh, even kids here are being trained to prepare for next generation

They are just average talents but the lack of talent is being filled with overwhelming resources and most of all the nature of all these people here is

Deep deadly assassins...'

Mu Chen opened his eyes once again and changed his view and perspective, Mu Chen smirked with amusement as he observed the hidden auras all of these villagers

Just a few moments ago all these villagers and village looked nothing more than an advanced rich settlement of happy and satisfied people

But now Mu Chen could finally observe the cold chill auras, even the kids of the village looked like sharp daggers and each one of them were proficient with many types of weapons

"Hey kiddo what's your name?"

Mu Chen asked the eighth and youngest elder of the village, she had the appearance of a sharp bold girl in mid 20s with black hairs in braid

"I'm Zhao Xue lord, the eighth elder of Raining Leaf Village!"

Mu Chen nodded with a grin and commanded

"From now on the first seven elders will manage the village like usual and after reaching Martial King Realm all you are instructed to enter the outside world and mix with them

And you Zhao Xue, you are instructed to create three organisations, first one, a hidden assassin organisation, 'Fallen Leaf'

The second one is a brothel and tavern organisation which will support other two organisations while collecting information called 'Dancing Leaf'

And lastly an organisation that will infiltrate in all other groups and will not be in contact with anyone except for you called 'Lost Leaf'

The core members of all these organisations will be the people who come out from Raining Leaf Village and they will be joining the three organisations"

"As you wish!"

Zhao Xue immediately knelt to Mu Chen with a bright smile on her face, other elders looked slightly jealous of her

Mu Chen just nodded with satisfaction and stated

"Well that's it for today, Zhao Xue you can start the process right away, and take out as many Martial Kings you want

If the situation ever becomes rough immediately ask for help from Xu Can or Shao Ting and you are free to use my name in tough situations too"

After instructions Mu Chen disappeared in mid air, it wasn't any technique other just raw speed that made it impossible for others to notice his moments


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
