Continental Commotion (7)

'Elder Mu Chen... Heavenly Jade Sect... Rivalling mine Empire, crushing them before they grow huh! Bullshit! If this man is with Heavenly Jade Sect then they are already existence beyond me

Even my ten generation combined won't be able to do anything in front of such powerhouse! Fuck me! Why did I even think that I even had a chance!!??!'

The Emperor had frozen in his spot because of overwhelming spiritual pressure, it was taking all his life's effort just to keep himself standing

His whole body was drenched in sweats and mind had gone mad because of the look of fear and despair in his eyes

All the fantasies he had about proving himself and acting strong shattered into pieces, he could quite literally sense death standing above with its scythe pointing at the centre of his both eyes

His mind was turning blank as the time continued while others had turned half conscious by now after a few minutes

But suddenly everyone noticed the spiritual pressure suddenly vanishing from them, The Emperor took deep breaths while tightly grabbing his chest

'Saved... I'm alive?'

The Emperor was taking deep breaths like animals his subordinates also stood back up after coming back to life after almost touching the river of death

"Next time don't try to disturb a person in the middle of his food..."

Mu Chen suddenly came out of the mansion along with Xi Shi and uttered these words with completely cold voice and emotionless face

Xi Shi was also standing besides Mu Chen looking down over the Emperor and his subordinates

'Is that Elder Mu Chen!? Too monstrously stron-!?'

The Emperor was just wondering over these thoughts but next moment suddenly his gaze went behind him towards his general

"How dare you!!! Who do you think you are using these tricks on us inside the Blue Dragon Empire??

Even if you are Elder Mu Chen from Heavenly Jade Sect! You think you can just do whatever you want inside Empire and we will watch!?"

Emperor Hwang looked at his General Ma, a middle aged man with hot blood in totally enraged form because of losing face in front all the crowd

'This mf!!! Yeah! He can do what he wants!!! The fuck are you doing muscle head!!! Hope Eider Mu Chen can just be satisfied with offering your nine generations's life as compensation'

The Emperor was going crazy in his mind while Mu Chen looked at the General Ma with an amused smile over his face

"Seems like the last one wasn't enough huh..."

Mu Chen suddenly muttered on his own with a crafty grin but next moment suddenly the General Ma and his hundred subordinates suddenly took out their blades

"I will make you pay for your sins even if I die today!!! For the Empire!!!"

With that the General Ma immediately dashed at Mu Chen with his huge sword, the pressure from each of his steps created turmoil on the ground

A huge pressure and killing intent suddenly appeared all over the surroundings pointing at Mu Chen

*Berserk Tiger 18 Strokes*

"Hahahaha! That's what you get for offending the Blue Dragon Empire!"

"Nooo! General!!!"

The General Ma had lost his mind because of all this humiliation and moved his sword towards Mu Chen, the Emperor on other hand was scared out of his mind with face completely covered in darkness and frown

"I see so you want to fight to death huh..."

Mu Chen said those words in extremely soft tone yet a cold intent was mixed in those words, and as soon as those words were spoken Mu Chen took his sword out of scabbard

Mu Chen's sword intent also came out along with this blade and now it felt like General Ma and all his hundred subordinates had a sword right in front of their throats

Everyone froze right over the places, General Ma was just barely a meter away from Mu Chen and Mu Chen was looking straight at his eyes with cold shine

"Do you think you even have the capability to challenge me?"

Mu Chen said these words with a smirk, the General Ma heard this and gritted his teeth as he moved over his hands which were shaking without any control because of overwhelming terror

'Am I scared... Me! The Great General of Blue Dragon Empire!? I have fought thousand battles and was always unrivalled!

Now do you think I would be scared of a man who just came out barely a few thousand years ago!!! Never!'

"We will fight to death!!!! I will surely crush your brain out you bastard!!!!! I will drink the blood from your throat!"

"Yeah! We will fight!"

"For the Empire!"

"Yeah, how dare you act arrogant in the Empire!"

"Loser, you will die!"

Along with the General Ma his subordinates also started cheering, their eyes clearly showed all of them had lost their brains in struggle of fear and pride inside their minds

The Emperor watched all this with a hopeless look in his eyes and was literally scared out of his mind

Mu Chen just sighed seeing all that and next moment as they were once again about to rush he just said a few more words

"If death is what you want, death is what I will give..."

Mu Chen said that and next moment all heads of General Ma's subordinates suddenly fell on ground lifelessly and the General Ma himself had his whole body divided into half

Mu Chen waved his sword in air which was still as clean and shining as ever and looked at the Emperor in middle of corpses and blood

"I don't think I need any permission to enter your Empire, I didn't kill, I didn't commit any crime, just came here to enjoy food with my partner and this arrogance...

Even if you are in the Empire do you really think this Mu Chen of Heavenly Jade Sect won't kill you? You think I'm Saint or something?"

Mu Chen said that his aura suddenly exploded, all nearby people were pushed dozens of meters away

The whole ground in radius of dozen meters had been crushed and now Mu Chen and Xi Shi were looking straight at the Emperor who was shivering with extreme fear and pressure on his back


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
