Mu Chen vs Xi Shi (3)

"As I said before... So many incomprehensible hidden cards..."

Xi Shi looked dead straight at Mu Chen with cautious light in her gaze and with a sigh she took out another sword from her storage ring as next moment her sword completely eroded and shattered in pieces

"You better bring me a good sword after this..."

Xi Shi told Mu Chen with a sharp gaze, Mu Chen nodded with a small smile over his face as he replied

"Surely, I will get you the best ones..."

Xi Shi nodded and next moment a smirk flashed through both faces and both Mu Chen and Xi Shi rushed over each other, but just a few mili seconds before collusion both their eyes widened

"Oh shit..."


Both Mu Chen's and Xi Shi's sword intent and aura touched each other over a critical point and next moment a huge compressed explosion of sword auras appeared over the place

The energies from both sword intent slowly binded against each other forming a perfect sphere right in front of Mu Chen and Xi Shi's gazes

And next moment that small sphere of dense compressed energy suddenly exploded creating shockwaves that completely crushed all the cliffs and ground in radius of 5 miles and the powerful shockwaves that spread throughout the radius of hundreds of miles

*Great Star Jade Formation*

*Green Flag Defense*

*Heaven's Barrier Bell*

*Sage Sword Guardian*

*Great Heat Protection Array*

As the explosion happened dozens of miles up in the air, the crowd in the ground had been almost ignored,

All the bigshots immediately took out their greatest defensive treasures and greatest defensive techniques at once without any hesitation

A series of defensive methods were used up immediately just to defend against the shockwaves

"Damn... Is that how Saints fight!?"

"It's on a whole another level!"

"Their sword techniques are just too profound!"

"They are really too strong..."

Everyone watching this fight directly felt goosebumps running through their bodies and the chaotic flow in their minds after watching things beyond their comprehension

Chao Xiang, Yu Xuan and Li Lau were also of course one of those watching it from the half crushed cliff

"I shouldn't have been so full of myself haha! I was having pride in myself after that fight against Xi Shi but only now do I realise she was just merely toying with me

It's like having a fight against an armed person with just the tip of my finger..."

Li Lau seemed to have a heavy mood as she said those words looking towards the fight, Yu Xuan and Chao Xiang also nodded but their faces seemed to face darker frowns over their faces

"Hahaha... You are worried about just your pride, we are worried about our lives now..."

"I can't believe we joked around with Martial Saint and even dared to tease him, imagine if he came for our throats after this..."

Li Lau looked over those heavy dark faces and twitched with heavy realisation and pity in her eyes

Bai Zhai behind Li Lau also seemed incredibly amazed, her eyes were literally shining with dense admiration but her attention was surprisingly over...

'Senior Xi Shi is just too cool! Just look at the way she moves her sword! It's simply so beautiful!!! Waah!!! It's life seeing a fairy dancing in skies with her sword...'

Bai Zhai's eyes were shining with sparkly stars as she continued with her admiration towards her new idol Xi Shi

Meanwhile in the air both Mu Chen and Xi Shi looked at each other with the sword in the middle of their chests

"You won't be as lucky as last time dear..."

Xi Shi told Mu Chen with a confident smile over her face, Mu Chen shrugged it off with his grin and pushed Xi Shi away as he replied

"Luck is also a skill... But I consider myself more confident in my sword skills..."

*Triple Lightning Strikes*

*Tempest Jade Flow*

Both rushed against each other, Mu Chen made a triple series stabbing type sword attacks which were repelled easily by Xi Shi but sensation of lighting was still on her fingertips

The shockwaves between those top powerhouses were leaving shockwaves that spread throughout the places

The spiritual energy and sword pressure exerted by them could be sensed by those even outside of desolate land and just shivers ran through them

Mu Chen and Xi Shi were both were covered with great fighting spirit now and both seemed to be prepared to take out their greatest attacks now

"I had enough warm up, shall we finish it now?"

Xi Shi who seemed a little exhausted while collecting her intent and energy questioned Mu Chen with a smirk on her face


Mu Chen easily accepted with a grin over his face with a hand behind his back and another one holding the sword with immense amount of sword intent and pressure in his hands


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
