Talents Destroying Heavens (1)

From that day the name of Chang Clan completely disappeared from existence and the later matters were taken care of by the Ice Dragon Squad of Luo Xi which was made up of 33 subordinates of hers

The rumours spread quite late about the Chang Clan's mysterious annihilation but most people already knew the reason behind the incident

The life was peaceful and the disciples of Sleeping Dragon Peak continued to gather more and more treasures but obviously the Dark Points gathered now were severely less than the first time

A five years have passed without any trouble and this year was quite special because it was time for Heavenly Jade Sect to open it's gates to recruit disciples and two members of Sleeping Dragon Peak were also joining in this event

A huge crowd of various kids from different ages of 10-20 had gathered in outer region of Heavenly Jade Sect in one of outer peaks

Various elders have also gathered there looking over the disciples, the Elders like Gan Xu and Yuan Mei were also present there and Chao Xiang, the Sect Leader was the centre of all attention

"The Heavenly Jade Sect is opening its gates towards you new youngsters to join! Those who pass our standards will be allowed to join!

The test will be divided into three categories, first is your grading of your spiritual root that defines your talent! Then your strength! And finally your abilities! If you all are strong enough you might even get chosen by elders gathered here!"

An outer sect elder did the basic procedures and pointed at the elders who were obviously one of the top powerhouses of Southern Continent and looked extremely profound from the perspective of the kids

"Finally! With my talent! I can become an inner disciple in a few decades!"

"Tsk tsk! I aim to be a direct disciple of an inner elder!"

"Holy shit! Is that Elder Gan Xu and Yuan Mei! I heard they are closest to Elder Mu Chen and the strongest elders after him!"

"Their presence and aura stands out like even between all these experts! As expected Heavenly Jade Sect is indeed the strongest Sect of the Continent!"

Gan Xu and Yuan Mei smiled slightly hearing all these praises from those new possible disciples of the Sect but just then all the attention of people gathered there changed

As all of them noticed Mu Chen and others from Sleeping Dragon Peak arriving at place and they landed right besides Gan Xu and Yuan Mei

"OMG! Is that Peak Master Mu Chen!?"

"The legendary!? Even Elder Xi Shi is there..."

"It's not just them! Holy shit! All the disciples of Sleeping Dragon Peak are there!!!"

"What's happening!? It's the first time they came here!? Is there anyone that caught their attention?"

As soon as they arrived there a huge commotion exploded among all the new possible future disciples of Sect gathered there, even the elders and Sect Leader looked shocked

Mu Chen landed on ground and his heavenly appearance and Xi Shi's fairy like image attracted immense attention, Mu Chen looked at Gan Xu and asked with a sly grin

"Sup, dude! Did you get any Dao Partner?"

"Stop putting salt on wounds, but what are you doing here? Are you finally interested in new disciples?"

Gan Xu returned Mu Chen's greetings in his own way, Mu Chen smirked and replied

"The disciples I accept are destined to defy heavens, a pity it's not time to accept the new disciple yet, I came to cheer for others..."

Gan Xu heard him and looked back at him with confusion, Yuan Mei and other elders suddenly started greeting Mu Chen and Xi Shi and surrounded the whole place

Mu Chen also returned the greetings and it didn't take long for words to spread all around the place, various inner disciples and even core disciples came out to see Mu Chen there

Qin Kai, Chu Mu and Lian Hua also rushed out to meet him and Qin Kai was the first one to say

"Greetings Eider Mu Chen! Elder Xi Shi! Are there any new members who interest you?"

"Ho? Is there someone so talented?"

"Don't act in suspense! Just tell us!!!"

Mu Chen smirked seeing them and wanted to tease more but just then Xi Shi told them

"We are just here for Zhang Xuan and Zhao Zhu, these kids are quite good..."

Xi Shi's words attracted all attention at the place, Gan Xu was one of the most surprised ones and he immediately questioned

"Oh! Is that the little black haired girl?! So she really came here for the test huh..."

Mu Chen smirked and pointed eyes towards the direction of those kids, a black haired girl with braid in one side with spear in her hands and a young boy similar to her age with smaller double axe in his back were standing in the corner with confident grin over their faces

"Don't you think it will be interesting to see just how productive my Sleeping Dragon Peak can be..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
