Talents Destroying Heavens (3)

"Go ..."

Mu Chen said that and immediately the presence of all these disciples changed with eyes shining like predators ready to crush spirits of these new worms

"As you command master!!!"

One by one all five disciples of Sleeping Dragon Peak touched the jade plate and results shook whole heaven and earth

"Direct Senior Disciple Luo Xi!"

(Supreme Grade Special Spritual Root!- Ice Jade Sword Phonix!)

"Direct Senior Disciple Ming Yue!"

(Supreme Grade Special Spiritual Root!- Illusionary Mirage Heart!)

"Direct Disciple Wu Zhao!"

(Supreme Grade Special Spiritual Root!-Celestial Night Flower)

"Direct Disciple Bao Hu!"

(Supreme Grade Special Spiritual Root!- Thousand Azure Poison Flame)

"Direct Senior Ye Hu!"

(Supreme Grade Special Spiritual Root!- Flame Heart Leaf Incarnate!)

As these results came out one by one the disciples silently returned back to Mu Chen's side and at same time an uncontrollable level of commotion appeared over the place

"What an actual fuck!?!"

"Five!!! Five Supreme Grade Spritual Roots!!?"

"They are all named ones too!!!"

"This is nothing but absurd!!!"

From Sect Leader to outsiders everyone was stunned, Mu Chen just stood at his place without acting much but only he knew the pain behind these absurd results

'My Dark Points... All gone...'

[Don't worry host, it's a necessary investment to act big, just unlocking Supreme Grade roots cost us a lot, we have yet to fully unlock up to immortal God grade, but don't worry we will recover what we have invested it in a few years...]

Just a few years back Mu Chen used most of his Dark Points in upgrading the Saint Grade Spritual Roots of all the five disciples into Special Supreme Grades

[-500,000 Dark Points!]

[-500,000 Dark Points!]

[-500,000 Dark Points!]

[-500,000 Dark Points!]

[-500,000 Dark Points!]

[Current Dark Points _ 1,43,000+]

'A small price for brighter future...'

Mu Chen had small tears in his eyes after losing all his Dark Points all at once but now seeing all the commotion and rapidly increasing Dark Points the grin over his face had returned

'Worth it!!!'

Mu Chen smirked and looked at that disqualified young man with cold light in eyes and new crafty plan in his mind

"Am I still arrogant?"

Mu Chen asked as he slowly floated right in front of that young man with dead hopeless eyes, it was clear from a glance that he had given up all hope for living and...

'The man who had already given up everything is not afraid of anything, a good pawn to use indeed...'

Mu Chen grinned and slowly arrived right in front of him, the whole place was silent as in the cultivation world it wasn't weird to lose life or the whole clan after offending someone as strong as Mu Chen

The young man just stood there over his place without saying anything as if he had already accepted his death but next moment Mu Chen smirked and took out a wooden badge of Sleeping Dragon Peak and tossed it towards him

"You say big words, so you will take responsibility, from now on you are servent of Sleeping Dragon Peak..."


Mu Chen said that and everyone looked extremely shocked, even that arrogant young man's eyes looked extremely shocked and with that Mu Chen returned to his place and commotion grew even more

"Holy shit! He got accepted as servent of such legendary figure!?"


"Why is this trash so lucky!?"

"Elder Mu Chen is not only handsome but kind in heart too..."

Everyone started discussing among themselves

"Stop this commotion! It's no big matter! Continue with the next stage!"

Suddenly Sect Leader himself came forward himself and stopped all the commotion by applying Spiritual pressure in his voice

"Fuck! So strong..."

"I can't even move..."

"It's hard to breathe!!!"

"As expected of the half step Martial Emperor!!!"

The newbies were totally affected but from a glance the grin over his face after gaining so much pressure was visible to everyone

"Ahem! Then for the next stage is a test of strength! Punch this thousand year old cold iron and we will check the impact of your punch!"

The outer sect elder announced that and slowly the commotion died down, and once again the tests continued normally

"Hehehe strength is my strong point!!!"

A strong physique young man came forward and punched the stone with all his strength

*Tiger Crushing Fist!*

A huge impact could be seen in surrounding air but the iron block placed in there had just a shallow imprint of his fist over it

"Okay! Qualified!"

Despite strong opening the results somehow seemed weaker than expected, the other excited youngsters got all the excitement crushed in a moment and everyone had dark clouds over their heads until the two names were pronounced once again

"Zhang Xuan!!!"

Zhang Xuan came forward once again with a smug face and his punch directly left an imprint of half of the whole arm bending even the backside of the iron block

"Fuck so strong!"

"They are real monsters!"

"Too good!"

"This Zhang Xuan is sure to be unrivalled!"

The praises were everywhere and next Zhao Zhu also came forward and she also left a big impact over that iron leaving the whole place in silence

"Hmm... That child needs to work on her strength, agility and posture is good but strength is not up to standards..."

Only Mu Chen was one who dared to sprout such words, Zhao Zhu heard that immediately bowed to Mu Chen and replied

"I will do my best Elder!!!"

Mu Chen nodded and now the silence in the place had turned kind of cold and extremely awkward

'Need to gain more strength??'

'You want that girl to crush mountains with one first!'

'So arrogant yet he is capable for these words...'

'These monsters and their standards...'


The silence was suddenly broken as next moment everyone noticed Ye Hu standing in front of the shattered iron block and full blown up and destroyed ground behind that iron block with dusty fist

"Eh? Was I not supposed to punch?"

Those were her words after creating more shocking events, many youngsters and elders immediately fainted to the ground seeing such absurdity giving all hope for the sane world they had

After that the third test of abilities was thankfully ended in a sane yet insane manner as it was just killing monsters in the wild and reaching the other side

But obviously Zhang Xuan and Zhao Zhu stood out a lot, at the end both got promoted to inner disciples and Sleeping Dragon Peak accepted them and the day of absurdity passed away and new rumours have started spreading again



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
