Training Starts (4)

A few days have passed since the last duel and Shan Yu's complete recovery, since the last decade his reflexes and battle instincts have been refined greatly though it was still far from what was needed

But the current Shan Yu has at least managed to reach the line of people who are destined to be recalled as legends in future

And today was the day for elemental strengthening training to finally start, Shan Yu was currently being escorted inside a huge cave like place in middle of those snowy peaks by one of Luo Xi's subordinates

They continued inside that plain cave until both arrived in front of an open huge metal door which led to another part of the cave

"Please continue on your own from here young master..."

Shan Yu gave a nod to that man and quietly entered the door, as soon as he entered that place, the doors behind him closed and now Shan Yu was once again placed in a weird place

'Now what this time...'

Shan Yu was feeling an ominous feeling since he entered the cave and started looking around him in confusion

This side of the cave was just a huge plain hall which had an area of more than 300 meters square and just on the opposite side of Shan Yu, Luo Xi was sitting over a throne with sly smirk on her face

"Good thing you recovered my fast junior brother, now for you to complete my training you just need to come to me on this side..."

Luo Xi said and made an upward gesture, with that suddenly various huge gigantic pillars started rising from the ground all the way to the top of the cave

And in matter of seconds the clear path appeared in front of Shan Yu leading him towards Luo Xi from between those pillars


Shan Yu looked obviously surprised by Luo Xi's words as those words sounded too easy opposite to her personality

'The easier it looks the harder it is! Just what is she plotting now?! But if I can really finish it all with just this much! I won't mind risking my life!!!'

Shan Yu didn't overthink the situation and just prepared himself for the upcoming challenge

'Is it the trap this time? Or hidden monsters or some attacker? Will these pillars start falling when I start walking?! Or is the senior sister herself will try attacki-!?!'

Shan Yu didn't need to think more because he got his answer as soon as he took his first step

With his first step suddenly a huge pressure appeared over his body as if his body weight had been increased by more than 1000 pounds all of sudden

'H-holy shit!!!'

Shan Yu's whole body trembled as soon as he took the first step and almost knelt to ground, the ground beneath him was already crushed because of this pressure

"In case you forgot junior brother... Master has given me the role of strengthening your elemental and spiritual energy not fighting capabilities...

With each step you take the weight on you will be doubled, but the pressure can be decreased depending upon your capabilities..."

Shan Yu heard that and realisation flashed in his mind like bolt of lightning

'This weight isn't over my body, it's over my cultivation!'

Shan Yu decided to sit down right at that place and lightning sparks once again started to surround his body while at same time the dull red colour of lightning seemed like getting darker and darker

'This!?! My lightning attribute is getting strengthened at a monstrous pace! Even my spiritual energy is getting denser and strengthened!'

Shan Yu continued that until he felt the weight over him almost vanishing, he stood back up and took about 6 more steps while enduring the weight and once again sat right over that place and started cultivating

'As expected! The more pain! The more gain!!! Let's endure it!!!'

Shan Yu's pain slowly turned into joy as he felt his strength increasing at visible speed, through feeling joy from pain is perverted

'Shut the fuck up!!!'

Shan Yu continued to repeat this process for the whole 5 months, he tried to keep walking until his body couldn't endure anymore and then with greatest weight in his body he once again cultivated until strengthening himself enough for next few steps

And finally now after finally 5 months and 11 days, Shan Yu finally arrived in front of Luo Xi's throne while being covered in sweats from head to toe and few traces of blood leaking from his mouth in past

"Huf huff... It's finished now huff... huff...right?"

Luo Xi sitting over her throne smirked and slowly walked in front of Shan Yu and replied

"Yup! That's enough for now, here take this as your reward!"

Luo Xi suddenly took out a half palm sized red pill from her storage and passed it on to Shan Yu, Shan Yu looked at the pill and next moment his eyes widened to peak

"Wha!? What a pure natural presence of heaven and earth!?! What kind of treasure is this!?!"

Luo Xi smirked looking at that reaction of Shan Yu and replied smugly

"This is called 'Ten Thousand Lightining Orgin Pill', you are a lucky kid, I found this about 840 years ago from the inheritance of some ancient bigshot

A lot of blood was spilled for this, but unfortunately this pill is no use to me or other disciples as we don't have lightning attributes and even the master refused saying something about balance in his heart

You can take it as a reward for keeping me company and these years, it was funny seeing your plain face even with blood foaming out of your mouth and nose hahaha!!!"

Shan Yu was indeed initially amazed but with the last words of Luo Xi, nerves started popping out on his head, Shan Yu immediately grabbed the pill and with pure dark crimson sparks around his body he immediately dashed out from the cave directly breaking through the ceiling of the cave

"Fuck!!!!! Wait till I get strong you ice monster!!!"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
