Lu Wei (4)

"A cold revenge is needed to be served hot like lava..."

Shan Yu said that and disappeared in mist inside the wild trees after just getting enlightenment while not much far away, in the Dark Eagle Peak

Zhao Fan was seen standing in front Lu Wei in imposing postures and Lu Wei started the conversation and asked

"Zhao Fan... Have you had some conflict with this Shan Yu person before?"

Zhao Fan heard that and the images of Shan Yu's actions immediately passed through his mind and he replied

"He was wearing a mask and I don't recognise his Spiritual flow so I don't think I have, I have made many enemies in my life I don't remember each one of them but anyways those who mess with always end up a few inches below the ground"

Lu Wei heard this scoffing grin appeared over his face as he replied back

"More enemies means more danger, this isn't something to be so smug about, by chance if you encounter any merciless enemy how do you expect to save your loved ones with this pathetic strength"

'But I think you have already encountered that merciless devil...'

Lu Wei frowned as he saw the cold image of Mu Chen again while Zhao Fan on other hand was left in absolute shock

'My strength as Martial Emperor is pathetic?? I'm already comparable to many elders here! Yet my strength is pathetic then just what realm is this master!!!'

Zhao Fan completely ignored the warning and instead started to focus over Lu Wei's words in serious tone

Lu Wei noticed Zhao Fan's distracted face and a gloomy thought flashed in his mind

'Was I in too much of a hurry to accept the disciple!? Did I misjudge this Zhao Fan previously? He isn't even paying attention to the warning and my words, how will he be able to defeat Shan Yu like this!?'

At the end Lu Wei just sighed and suddenly took out two Martial techniques and placed it in front of Zhao Fan

"These are the techniques you need to learn within a year and master them to at least intermediate level!

First one is a fist technique and is called '7 Dragon Rise', it is extremely mysterious, the more you learn the more you will be puzzled

Second one is 'Blue Heaven Rush', a type of sword technique that can deal extreme damage to your enemies at the same time erasing your presence!

Learn these two and return to me within a year!"

"As you wish master?!!"

Zhao Fan immediately took the techniques and immediately left the place while leaving Lu Wei once again slightly disappointed

'This kid, does he even respect this master? Isn't he just treating me like a source of techniques and treasures? Compared to him didn't that Shan Yu looked a bit too loyal to his master, he knew about my strength from the very start but didn't even bait an eye over me!

The bond between that Shan Yu and Elder Mu Chen doesn't seem to be very old unlike other disciples but the trust surpasses almost all disciples in this Holyland

That look on his eyes when I provoked Mu Chen... It felt like Mu Chen had given a signal he would chase me to the end of earth to kill me in the most brutal way possible!'

Lu Wei suddenly felt a sudden chill behind his back and took a deep sigh and grabbed his wine pouch and started walking away

"Haha... Seems like I'm thinking too much! Gotta take wine and gain some sanity!"


Lu Wei muttered that and left the place and in middle of all that nobody noticed the Mu Chen standing on top of the endless blue skies, in front of sun observing Lu Wei and Zhao Fan's conversation

"It feels funny to not get attention despite being a master, in fantasies haha...

I bet that must hurt your heart in reality..."


Join the discord guys, I really need to lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
