The 9 Year Promised Duel (4)

"You! How dare you! My Brother Zhao Fan is stronger than all of you combined! Who the heck do you think you are! Inferior insects are not worth space on Earth!"

Xu Fei suddenly shouted that in the middle of the whole crowd while clearly pointing at those female disciples who were now filled with dark expressions on their faces

"You! Just because you are a disciple of Elder Yuan Mei! You think you have authority over us too!?"

"And why are you even shouting! Wasn't it your Zhao Fan's Master who first challenged Senior Brother Shan Yu! You think they are worthy! To begin with! What is his position? A disciple of Elder that no one knows the name of?"

The female disciples returned Xu Fei's rageful words with similar cold look in their eyes, Xu Fei gritted her teeth and a aura started circulating in her fist

'These bitches? How dare they complain against my brother Zhao Fan! They are just ugly and are characterless girls!!!'

"Ho-how dare you!!"

Things were about to turn physical but just then suddenly Qin Kai, the Holyland's Saint suddenly appeared in front of Xu Fei and stated

"Now there lady, you need to calm down, you can't fight here like this, even if you are a disciple of Elder you have no right to attack other disciples who didn't attack you first"

Xu Fei heard that and suppressed her aura while gritting her teeth but instead decided to unleash her rage through her mouth

"You all are underestimating my brother Zhao Fan! Just wait! He will show you who is weak and who is strong! You don't know how strong Brother Zhao Fan is!

He is unbeatable! He has managed to defeat the Elder of our previous sect on his own and can fight against many beasts of his own cultivation realm all alone!"

As she finished her words the place was completely silent for a broad time and next second various strong auras suddenly came from disciples and next second two more disciples were seen approaching towards her

One with a huge axe and another one with a spear covered in clothes on her back and both commented

"You say he can take the Elder of a sect on his own? And defeat many beasts on his own? Are you kidding me here?"

"Which one of us think can't do it? You call it achievement worthy enough to fight against the disciple of one strongest in the world?"

Zhang Fan and Zhao Lei coldly stated the faces with dark frowns and cold faces, Xu Fei swallowed her own saliva as she heard them but next second as if sanity in her mind had somewhat snapped she immediately replied back

'What is happening!? Why do all people who oppose brother Zhao Fan keep appearing here! Who is planning all this to frame me here!? But I won't accept it! Disrespecting my Brother Fan!? After my dead corpse?'

"You all just keep underestimating brother Zhao Fan! H-he is the strongest I'm telling you! He is the most charming and strongest!

He always puts effort into his life on the line! No matter how tough situations are he finds the way out! Your Shan Yu doesn't even compare! The person is always living under protection!

The person is always protected by others! How do you think such a spoiled young master can even compare with Bro-!


"Stop right there Zhang Fan..."

Xu Fei was now completely rambling the words out of her mouth, but it didn't take long for someone with low patience and high loyalty like Zhang Fan to snap

But thankfully Zhao Lei stopped him before he could cut the throat of Xu Fei in the middle of the whole crowd

Zhang Fan just silently took his axe back and returned back along with Zhao Lei without saying any more words

'Hahaha? So you are scared of Brother Zhao Fan too hahaha! That's right! No one can compa-!'

Xu Fei was once again in middle of getting lost in her own delusions but Yuan Mei immediately moved with an enraged expression on her face


"You have really disappointed me a bit too much today Xu Fei!"

'Wh-why? Why is the master slapping me! Isn't brother Zhao Fan just the strongest! Why can't no one understand it!?'

Xu Fei looked at Yuan Mei with shocked expression and grabbed her swollen cheeks with surprised expression on her face while other people nearby were also looking at her coldly

But in the middle of all that, unknown to others just one figure was seen grinning with the amused face of victory like the second form of the devil itself

"Manipulating these little things is a bit of a pain, but it really is an amusing thing after all..."

The eyes of that being shone coldly and next second Mu Chen himself decided to move forward himself


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
