The 9 Year Promised Duel (7)

[You have successfully ruined the hardcore cliche late entry of the protagonist while making him clown in front of the crowd!]

[Protagonist's Protection Points decreased by 6000!]

[The Remaining Protection Points are 193,000!]

'I'm an expert at ruining the entries of protagonists by now'

Mu Chen sniggered as he took one more bite from the barbeque with enjoyable yet a mocking grin over his face

"Wh-what kind of joke is this!? Do you even know what occasion it is today!? You think you will trample over the reputation of my master like this and I won't say anything!?!"

Zhao Fan immediately started shouting like a dog barking in the middle of the street but in the present situation all his domineering charm as the protagonist had been turned into dust and everyone just thought of him as a clown making fuss

"Hahahaha! I can't laugh anymore!!!"

"This trash is indeed trash! Look at the monkey jumping and shouting after being so late!?"

"Waiting in this heat was really worth watching such a reaction!"

"Elder Mu Chen is indeed savage!"

All the disciples started making fun of Zhao Fan with clear evil faces and eyes showing clear hostility towards Zhao Fan

The elders were also not holding back to show their clear support over Mu Chen's actions and Zhao Fan's idiotic situation

Shan Yu heard him loud and clear and he was the only one in the barbeque group not having food yet because of a mask over his face and he took a glance over Zhao Fan and Lu Wei and replied

"Disrespecting your master in front of the crowd? Is it our fault!? You fool who thinks he is cool to arrive late, you made your master all the disciple brother and sisters and even Elders stand in this heated day

You yourself arrive 2 hours late and have guts to accuse us who still stood here for dignity and honour of duel between two disciples of 9 Jade Holyland!

You think Holyland is a joke!? Huh!? A person who can't even come in time during a duel! A person who can't respect and think of his own master!? A person who doesn't even know the importance of a duel!?

Dare to lecture me here about dishonouring your master!? If it wasn't for my master's and Senior Brother Qin Kai's generosity you would have already been declared as a loser long ago!

Dare to shout at me!? Are you worthy!!!?"

Shan Yu questioned in extremely authoritative voice while at same time exposed his overpowering aura covering the whole crowd of disciples at once at same time showing an incredible pressure over Zhao Fan

'H-how did he get so strong!? I-i can't even see through his cultivation!? Has he grown that much!!!'

Zhao Fan felt shivers down his spine as he noticed unfathomable strength coming out from Shan Yu, other Elders and disciples were also immensely immersed over this

Seeing that look of panic over Zhao Fan's face a grin passed through the face of Mu Chen

'So you can't see through the cultivation of Shan Yu huh? Of course you can't you idiot, that mask Shan Yu is wearing has the function to hide the cultivation level and amplify the presence and spiritual energy!

The first step to defeat the protagonist is to trick his eyes! Till now I have to do it myself but why put efforts myself when you can just pay to win!

Tricking the eyes of heaven's son is equal to tricking the eyes of heaven! First step completed excellently!'

Mu Chen took back his dark grin and next second stepped in middle of Shan Yu and Zhao Fan himself and calmly placed his own words

"I'm not trying to support Shan Yu's words just because he is my disciple, but even if he wasn't my disciple I would have been more than happy to support his words

And about dishonouring your master's reputation was it? Does your master have any to begin with?"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
