Ascension (4)


Mu Chen just stepped outside of space crack formed by the General and his subordinates and as soon as he came out he noticed himself standing in centre of colossal altar along with others

The energy over the place was severely dense and currently they were standing on top of one of the thousands of sky high cliffs in the surrounding covered in clouds

Mu Chen looked upwards and noticed dragons and phoenix flying in the endless wide blue skies with domineering presences and as far as eyes can see the place was filled with such cliffs

[Detected that the host has ascended to Immortality!]

[The system will be upgraded in 59:59 minutes!]

Mu Chen didn't mind much about the system notification and just observed his calm surroundings just the next moment Mu Chen suddenly noticed hundreds of thousands ripples all over the space around him

Xi Shi, the Disciples and the Demons also seemed quite surprised but just the next second the whole sky got filled with hundreds of big shot Immortals who were all bowing to Mu Chen

"We greet the Young Master of the Immortal Realm"

"Congratulations on your ascension!!!"

Mu Chen sensed that each one of them had high cultivation and Mu Chen can just barely see through a few of them

'Yeah just kill this rabbit with your voice you bastards...'

Mu Chen maintained his poker face in front of him but just the next moment two huge space ripples appeared in front of him that specially caught Mu Chen's attention and every cell in his body felt shivers

Next second two God like Immortals were seen coming out of those ripples, one had a manly sharp face black haired and sharp black eyes

The man with the appearance of mid 30s dressed in black and white immortal robe just came out and looked at Mu Chen with eyes filled with several warm emotions

While just besides him was a woman with long brownish hairs in violet robe looking at Mu Chen with teary emerald like beautiful eyes

She immediately approached Mu Chen with trembling hands and uncontrollable emotions and placed her palm over Mu Chen's cheeks

"You are finally back... Son, mother and father really missed you a lot!"

As she said that she directly hugged Mu Chen, Mu Chen just stood there blankly staring in air and his body itself hugged the woman without any control

'Is it also because of my body I can feel these emotions... I have no memories with them, I don't remember a single thing, it's the first time ever I'm seeing them yet I can feel everything a son feels towards his parents...'

Mu Chen was left in daze by this mysterious sensation, he was in absolute shock as the woman kept weeping over his shoulders

"You went through so much cause of us... Please forgive us for all this, not only did we send you a lowly mortal world for thousands of years but on top of that we couldn't even send Guardian with you

You must have suffered a lot, you must have really been through a lot, just blame this mother for being incompetent and taking so much time to resolve the issues here!!"

Mu Chen just stood there quietly hugging her and maintaining his composure but still his eyes turned sight wet

"You don't need to worry about anything, I didn't suffer or anything rather I lived a life of God there too, you don't need to blame yourself"

Mu Chen consoled her and the woman finally released him and stared at him with teary rabbit like big eyes


Both Mu Chen and his father here had the exact same thought at the same time, Mu Chen sighed and softly commented

"The thing in the past is useless, now I'm here let's just think of a bright future... Mother..."

Mu Chen's mother pulled back all her tears and with a bright smile just gave a nod, Mu Chen was also filled with strange warmth and as he looked at his father he gave a respectful bow

"Have you been healthy, father?"

Mu Chen's father looked visibly happy by how Mu Chen addressed him and with a brimming smile he tapped over Mu Chen's shoulders

"I don't know about till now but now I definitely feel a lot of burden getting released from my heart..."

Mu Chen just nodded and next second he noticed his mother staring at Xi Shi and others he brought in here

"Ah! Let me introduce them to my mother, these are all my disciples and the Demons I have been rising"

As Mu Chen said that the attention of many Immortals moved over towards them and each and everyone of them seemed surprised as they noticed the cultivation of Mu Chen's disciples and the Demons

Mu Chen's father also took a look over their cultivations and a deeply surprised expression appeared over his face and next moment he suddenly started laughing

"Hahahahaha! What a surprise! What a surprise indeed! I'm impressed beyond words! You have gained such excellent disciples! As expected of my son!"

Mu Chen just nodded with a smile but the next second suddenly his mother pointed towards Xi Shi and questioned

"Who is this lady?"

"A-ah um that's... My Dao Companion..."

Mu Chen replied in an extremely flustered manner, even Xi Shi seemed red with embarrassment cause of her shy nature but everyone else over the place was left in absolute shock


Mu Chen's mother immediately flashed in front of Xi Shi with shining eyes while Mu Chen was grabbed by his father

"Seems like you weren't just suffering in pain huh... Guess we have some things we need to talk about now..."

Like that Mu Chen and Xi Shi were dragged away to inquire briefly about the peaceful past they had


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
