Recruitment (1)

"Father? Just who is coming for you to suddenly come out of seclusion yourself and stand here to welcome him yourself? You could have just given us command for all the preparations"

An old man dressed up in a traditional chinese suit was saying all this to another man dressed up in dragon robe with long white beards

Who knows how many centuries has this man witnessed, and he was one of top 10 strongest beings in world here, Zhen Tian the guardian of Zhen Family that is said to have influence and authority equal to a major nation itself

But today he seemed completely nervous, his next three generations have gathered behind him in front of a top luxury mansion

"Today the one coming here is the Senior Dan Yuen himself, he hasn't made any contact with the outside world for more than 200 years but today he just suddenly called me and told me to start preparations

But more than anything even he, who is Strongest in World by long shot mentioned of a 'Senior', a person even greater than him, I don't dare assume what kind of existence he is bringing and I'm warning you, whatever you see or experience today don't you dare act rudely in front of them!"

Zhen Tian made his words completely clear at once and all just nodded and next suddenly the great grandson of Zhen Tian who seemed to be in his 20s suddenly questioned

"Ancestor! Does anyone else know about this?"

Zhen Tian nodded with a frown and replied seriously

"I think the other 3 must have already gotten the news about this, they are all ready for any command to impress Senior Dan Yuen, we need to do our very best to impress them too as this might also decide our existence today"

As he said that everyone present there felt shivers and next moment they noticed several helicopters arriving towards them

As the helicopters landed various security men dressed in suits surrounded the place and one of them opened the gates of helicopter

As the door opened Dan Yuen was seen coming out dressed neatly in shirt and pant with hairs tied neatly on back

"Zhen Family greets the seniors!"

As soon as he came out Zhen Tian along with all others immediately gave a bow with slight nervousness but Dan Yuen didn't give much attention over them currently and instead just quietly stood over the ground besides the gate of helicopter like some guard

"You got some nice people"

Suddenly the voice of Mu Chen attracted the attention and everyone moved their gazes in front of them and as they did that

Everyone saw Mu Chen coming out of the helicopter with a smirk, Dan Yuen just silently nodded and followed behind Mu Chen with quiet face but next moment he noticed Zhen Tian and his whole family standing there with completely dazed faces

"What are you doing!? Pay the respect to Senior!!!"

Dan Yuen shouted that and a pressure suddenly emerged over all the members of Zhen Family and several goosebumps ran throughout their bodies

"Zh-Zhen Family greets the Senior!!!"

Zhen Tian and others immediately bowed over to Mu Chen all at once, Mu Chen nodded quietly and replied

"I accept the greetings... For now let's head in, I have a slight busy schedule these days"

As Mu Chen said that everyone followed him inside the mansion without a word but still each one of them looked surprised because of Mu Chen's young appearance

Mu Chen arrived inside the hall of mansion and smoothly sat over a luxury sofa placed in posture resembling an absolute power that can overrun anything and everyone in here and placed his feet over a table in front of him

"You must be Zhen Tian?"

Mu Chen suddenly questioned with his pupils glowing in light purple shine and as he said that Zhen Tian immediately came forward and replied

"It's as the senior says, please order the slave"

Mu Chen just smirked and commanded

"There is an insect I want to crush myself all you people need to do is just follow orders for next 5 weeks, first arrange me a top class identity in this country

And I want some top class business organisations and companies under my name, arrange me things that a normal rich young master has

I want a group of strong lackeys to handle side jobs and little errands for m-!"


Mu Chen was just saying things but just then suddenly the gates of the mansion got forced open and dozens of men dressed in suits rushed inside and another middle aged man with scar below his eyes suddenly entered the hall with an excited smile over his face

As his gaze met Dan Yuen his eyes brightened up and he immediately rushed towards him with grin

"Ancestor! This is me! Dan Feng! The current family head of the Great Dan Family you left behind! I have been working hard in managing things all these years! It's really a blessing to see you with my own eyes!!!"

As he shouted that he immediately grabbed over Dan Yuen's legs like some kids meeting his grandfather for the first time but just then his gaze went over Mu Chen who was staring at him blankly with a surprised face

"Y-you! You young brat!? How dare you sit like that in front of Ancestor!?! I will grant you the death you desire!!!"

Dan Feng said that and immediately dashed towards Mu Chen with his fist covered in dark red aura but Mu Chen watching this seemed completely amused

'No need for proof, indeed the same bloodline'


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
