I don't believe you (1)

"We greet the Great Senior!!!"

Mu Chen heard them and with a smirk just nodded and muttered with amused expression

"Funny place indeed..."

'Bunch of old looking folk, yet so are beginner Martial Emperors... But cultivation can't be compared to the upper world...'

Mu Chen scoffed and made way straight into the throne like a seat prepared for him and sat there in an imposing tone while sipping tea and looking at all the people gathered there with sharp gaze

"Zhen Family Ancestor! Zhen Tian greets the Senior!"

"Dan Family Patriarch! Dan Feng greets the Senior!"

"Wen Family Ancestor! Wen Zhuo greets the Senior!"

"Huang Family Ancestor! Huang Shen greets the Senior!"

The four men themselves came forward to greet Mu Chen themselves, these four were the top boss and Mu Chen already knew two of them

"Dan Feng, is your body alright?"

Mu Chen questioned while taking sip of tea, Dan Feng seemed extremely embarrassed by his past actions and just nodded

"Th-thanks to Senior's generosity, I'm fine"

Mu Chen scoffed and next nodded towards Zhen Tian seeing his progress and looked at Wen Zhuo

"Are you by chance related directly with Wen Hui?"

"Senior's thoughts are right, she is indeed my daughter I'm proud of, I'm grateful that you gave us the opportunity to serve you"

Wen Zhuo was smooth with his words Mu Chen nodded visibly bright, Wen Hui also seemed sight smug and lastly the gaze went over to Huang Shen

"Huang Shen... You may really be the guy who is going to help me most, hmm... You have the highest influence over the business field right?"

"Indeed as you say, we aren't as good as the other three in terms of power but we are best in terms of business and resources"

Huang Shen replied and Mu Chen nodded with a grin but just then Wen Hui whispered a few things over to Mu Chen and Mu Chen immediately nodded and stood back up

"Good timing, you all follow me, I think I will need a few hands..."

As Mu Chen said that he walked away outside of the hall and others just followed him with bright expressions with high expectations

'Is there some enemy senior who wants to handle!?'

'Is it time to show the power of my influence'

'Hahaha! I will impress the senior! I have the highest strength among all these old folks!'

'I will show the results of resources here!!!'

Everyone had high expectations and blood boiling but just after a few seconds all of them were seen getting crowded by a bunch of 3-6 year old kids on a huge hall filled with soft toys

"Kyaa! Uncle you have cool beards!!!"

"Oh my! Grandpa! Your hair is so white!"

"That coat is so cool!"

"Can you give me some chocolates!?"

All of them were covered with these kids like bees and ants covering the honey, all of them turned to look at Mu Chen who was selecting clothes for these kids and questioned in blank eyes

"Senior? What is this?"

"Do these kids have evil spirits in them!?"

"Are they by chance talented kids or descents of legends?"

"Why are we here senior?"

Mu Chen placed the clothes back and with a smug smile turned towards them and replied

"Didn't I tell you? I need some hands, these are kids from an orphanage I recently adopted, I actually left my kids back home and I missed them, so I just adopted all the kids here! Hahaha! Now isn't this fun!?"

As Mu Chen said that all six of them looked at Mu Chen with dead blank eyes and kids continued jumping over them

"Wha-!? Hey! Did you just pee!?"

"Don't pull my beard!? Do you even know who I'm!?"

"This kid! Even my little Hui didn't trouble me this much!!!"

"Shit! Oww! My eyes will still hurt!"

"Troublesome animals..."


Mu Chen just observed them with scoffing grin and this fun rush continued for a good few hours until a few women dressed in professional outfits didn't come

"Okay! Kids! Don't trouble the Boss anymore! Let's go home now!"


"I wanna play more..."

"Okay! Sister!"

"Bye! Brother Mu Chen!!!"

Mu Chen just waved his hand away as they left and as they left all six people here slowly stood up with tired faces

"Fun isn't it?"

Mu Chen questioned with a smug smile, others just nodded quietly with slight embarrassed faces, but just then Wen Hui turned to Mu Chen and questioned

"But senior? If it was just playing with kids, couldn't you have done it another day, why call the heads of all four Ancient families just for that?"

Mu Chen turned to her with a sharp gaze and a grin appeared over his face

"Smart kid"

As Mu Chen said that next moment a man from Wen Hui's team suddenly entered the hall and reported

"Senior, the other people are here as you ordered"

"Let them in"

Mu Chen commanded and next moment dozens of millionaires of the city started entering the place filled with sweats and shocked faces as they saw the heads of four families already standing there

But Mu Chen's gaze was over the Luo Ruoxin who also seemed shocked as she entered the place with the same Young Master Gao who seemed weirdly enthusiastic as he came here

"Just as I expected..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
