Alchemy Sage (1)

[Your reputation is increasing throughout the Blessed Void Immortal World!]

[2000 Villain Points gained!]

Mu Chen saw this notification a few hours later as he was almost in front of Immortal Void Holyland and just sniggered

"The Divine Reclaimer huh... Not too bad, being a darkness that lives in the shadow of light, not too bad..."

Mu Chen smirked and the dragon directly entered the Immortal Void Holyland and made its way straight towards Alchemical Zenith, the residence of Alchemy Lord Yin Guangli

Among the area filled with dozens of straight pointy peaks towering towards sky, the dragon moved towards the highest one filled with smell of various pills and fragrance that can charm any heart in seconds

"I can smell pills even from several miles away, this is going to be indeed worth while..."

Mu Chen sniggered and next moment the dragon increased its pace even faster and rose directly towards the peak and as Mu Chen arrived in front of the top of that peak covered in mysterious mist Mu Chen took out his jade slip

"Inner Disciple Mu Chen wishes to see Alchemy Lord Yin Guangli! I have brought the Immortal Orchid Essence you requested"

As Mu Chen said that for next few moments there was no response but just then an domineering voice filled calmness and stability made after experience of several centuries came out


Mu Chen nodded and as the dragon left towards the skies Mu Chen slowly floated inside the peak, as he descended the mist slowly vanished from front of him and a clear view of beautiful garden filled with astonishing herbs and treasures came into his view

There were several alchemy buildings that were already present in here but Mu Chen's attention was at Yin Guangli who was stroking his white beards with smile on his face

"Inner Disciple Mu Chen greets the Alchemy Lord! Here is your request"

Mu Chen transferred the Immortal Orchid Essence over to Yin Guangli with a smile, Yin Guangli easily accepted it and nodded with satisfaction

"I didn't expect it to be you who is going to bring this here, good good! It's nice to have such hard working and talented young man in this age!"

"Senior is too kind"

Mu Chen just nodded and as Mu Chen was about to say something Yin Guangli himself commented

"Do you posses some kind of flames?"

Mu Chen heard him and just smiled and next moment Dark Abyss Flames covered Mu Chen's palm as he commented

"I had some fateful encounters with this Abyssal Immortal Flames in the mortal world, I have tried to learn alchemy but without a mentor or knowledge it's rather rough..."

As Mu Chen was saying that the eyes of Yin Guangli's were stuck over Mu Chen's flames and next second blue flames suddenly popped out in his hand

"Now this is a surprise to think your flames are stronger than my Azurefire Incarnation Flames, this is quite astonishing...

Mu Chen how about learning alchemy from me? You don't need to accept me as your offical master or anything, I'm satisfied being a mentor, I can't accept potential like yours just die down in middle of swords and battles"

"I whole heartly accept!"

Mu Chen didn't even hesitate, this was Mu Chen's goal from the very beginning, Yin Guangli was unarguably best alchemist in whole Blessed Void Immortal World and learning from him alone with give Mu Chen an enormous advantage

"Good! Good! Hahahaha! As expected! You do carry golden wisdom above your steel shoulders! Let's not waste any time here! I will be starting right away!"

Yin Guangli cracked open a space in front of him and both him and Mu Chen followed inside, as they crossed space Mu Chen noticed himself standing in centre of thousands of books in shelves all around him

"This is Sacred Alchemical Sanctuary! This contains all basic knowledge an alchemist needs to know and the base of Alchemy! If you learn this the rest depends upon your skills only and talent!

Once you learn everything here you will be promoted to Novice Alchemist, there are seven levels in alchemy in Immortal World!

Novice Alchemist who has learnt foundational principles, techniques and theories of alchemy

Then Alchemy Adept who can form basic pills and elixirs using their knowledge into practice, forming about 10 pills in a day shouldn't be a challenge to them

Alchemy Grandmasters are the ones who have mastered the art of using flames and even make some rare pills and advanced pills with elemental effect or healing effect

Alchemy Emperors are the ones who can form elixirs, and can profoundly form pills from all kinds of basic ingredients, from this stage the soul and flames of alchemist starts to refine to get stronger on its own as long as one continues to practice alchemy

Alchemy Monarchs don't need to use cauldrons to make pills, they can just make pills with just ingredients and flames in the palm of their hands

Alchemy Saints can form pills with transformative and even miraculous effects, they possess profound spiritual insight and can form advanced pills without even any consciousness

Alchemy Gods are the highest attainable stage in alchemy, they have achieved enlightenment through their alchemical practices and have merged their consciousness with the essence of the Immortal World

I'm on that level, then Mu Chen, to start as alchemist you need to learn all principles, theories and knowledge of ingredients stored in these books stored here"

Yin Guangli said that with smirk, Mu Chen heard him all and nodded with a smile as he commented

"Don't worry Grand Elder, in the realms of wisdom and knowledge, I have a fair share of talent myself"

Yin Guangli just nodded and left while Mu Chen was once again left in middle of all these books

'I'm going to turn into a nerd at this rate...'


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^^
