Heavenly Realm (2)

"Usually these realms are filled with absurd levels of difficulties, if I enter this realm I'm sure to increase my cultivation by leaps and bounds and might even reach Immortal Monarch Realm if I add up the resources I have gathered from forbidden lands... This is a hit!!!'

Mu Chen grinned and immediately jumped over the dragon in mid air and rushed forward with grin stuck over his face

After a few hours the same Mu Chen was seen standing below a huge golden white crack of space in the sky above along with Yin Guangli and few disciples of Immortal Void Holyland and many others belonging to different big Sects or Clans

"Lucky for you isn't it Mu Chen, you just recently entered the Holyland yet already received an opportunity to enter a Heavenly Realm

I will tell you in advance but this Realm will only be opened for just 9 months, whatever opportunity you will get from this place is sure to be precious and will be helpful to you but still be cautious inside

It's not just the enemies inside that place that you need to be cautious of, the people around you are also your enemies, don't be afraid to kill anyone if you feel your safety threatened"

"I will do as you suggest Grand Elder"

'What a villainous suggestion indeed...'

Mu Chen laughed dryly inside his mind and next as his gaze moved around a grin slowly emerged over his face

'With me doing all the great jobs here, the Luck Goddess might have finally fallen for me hahaha! Such a generous encounter!!!'

Mu Chen was just sniggering on his own and just then the crack in space started to show turbulence

"The Heavenly Realm has opened!!!"

As this was announced suddenly all youngsters present there rushed inside that space crack like cannon bolts, it felt like several stars were arising from earth instead of falling

Mu Chen also arrived inside the Heavenly Realm in a flash and as Mu Chen moved his gaze around Mu Chen found himself floating in middle sky on top an endless long and astonishing landscape

The Blessed Void Immortal World itself can be considered as a beautiful place to live in, even the worst and places in outskirts of civilization are extremely charming and soothing

And Mu Chen has been living in the best of the best places in the whole world but this scenery in front of left him completely surprised and in awe

There were uncountable numbers of colourful flowers and trees in the forest beneath him and vibrant greeneries and strong clear blue sky hiding Golden Sun and Silvery Moon inside it at the same time

There was maxed out beauty everywhere in nature, the water ponds and waterfalls on crystalline cliffs radiating with jaw dropping shine

'Is that...'

As Mu Chen moved back his gaze Mu Chen noticed a dead carcass of a mountain sized beast behind him which was now covered in vines and such with new life growing on it

There were also traces of some ancient civilization there with broken altars and such in distance

"If I had known this was going to be this good, I would surely have brought Xi Shi along with me too..."

Mu Chen muttered that and immediately rushed into the forest with a smirk on his face and as soon as Mu Chen entered the place his eyes were filled with shining gold

"This is a fucking treasure ground..."

Mu Chen commented as he noticed so many precious herbal treasures and ingredients of alchemy that are extremely rare to find outside of this place, lying everywhere like wild mushrooms

"Looks like alchemy really made me a little nerd... But if it's this much of high grade ingredients then I can make that can't I?"

Mu Chen smirked and and next second just waved his two fingers with little intent mixed in it and started collecting all these treasures with bright face

"I won't waste my time here for a long time, just a week will be enough for me to find all ingredients for Ascendant Soul Resonance Pill and Celestial Harmonization Elixir...

These pills can only be made by the capability of the Alchemy Emperor, I don't have all skill to give definite results but what if I use all these ingredients I have, if I can't make it with talent, I will make it with resources!"

Mu Chen grinned and went into frenzy rush of collecting ingredients for next whole weak, the heavenly realm is said to be extremely huge, almost size of continent itself so encountering one another in such a large field is rare but those persuing similar goals are bound to encounter each other at a certain point



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^^
