New Inheritance (2)

"I, Mu Chen, swear upon my life that I will raise and care for Naga Princess as one my precious disciples and help her revenge all her enemies she has now

If I break my promise, may my cultivation shatter and I die right on the spot!"

As Mu Chen finished his words a loud thunder roared indicating his promise had been acknowledged by the Dao of Cultivation itself

""To make such a promise with a soul remnant of the past like me... You have the purest and most righteous soul I came across in my whole life, even when I was alive and ruled the world, I never saw someone as righteous as you

I will give you the greatest inheritance of my Seraphic Dragon-kin Clan that once ruled the Ancients at one point of time, I dare to not say this repays my debt towards you but please accept it and take care of my last descendent...""

By the time she finished her words her soul remnant also vanished into light particles and vanished into an endless river of time and while here Mu Chen was surrounded by endless light and darkness over the place

[[[Congratulations Host on receiving the inheritance of Ancient Immortal God Bai Gu Jing!]]]

[[[You have gained Inheritance _ 'Immortal-Demon Synthesis Ancestry'!]]]

Mu Chen was covered with harmonious flow of Yin and Yang energy at same time with absurdly accurate balance from the inheritance

[[Host has gained 'Divine Yang Transformation'!]]

The left side of Mu Chen's body was covered in golden bright light showing his appearance like a True Immortal Lord, the charm and light on his face was nothing but absurd, if one saw it they will be charmed by Mu Chen's kind and calming aura filling up the white Yang side with golden Divine Energy

The left pupil of Mu Chen had transformed into a completely golden colour at that moment and the celestial foggy aura has covered him

[[Host has gained 'Demonic Yin Transformation'!]]

But just opposite to this the right side of Mu Chen's appearance felt quite demonic, his right pupil has turned into dark crimson and that side was covered in demonic fog, a black dragon like black horn has emerged on Mu Chen's right forehead and his Yin side was now covered with reddish Demonic Energy

From the right side he was looking like an incarnation of an Ancient Demon God that could devour whole abyss if he really wanted to

The vitality, reflex, agility, regenerative capabilities of Mu Chen have boosted like no other, the stability and strength of Mu Chen's cultivation was still continuously increasing

His eyes were radiating with otherworldly glow and the presence has also increased by several times right now and there was sense of duality in here, Mu Chen stared at his both hands and muttered

"I have already reached the Late Stage of Immortal Sovereign Realm yet I feel like I can beat Intermediate Stage Immortal Monarch like a dog..."

Mu Chen tried to control the flow and slowly the left side of Mu Chen completely overtook his body and now both pupils of Mu Chen glew in golden light with whole body radiated with immortal aura and otherworldly charm

And next suddenly the demonic side took over the whole body, Mu Chen's pupil glew in dark crimson light, presence and aura both felt demonic yet extremely powerful, his overall abilities seemed to have been boosted by several levels all at once

"Heh... A dual form inheritance huh... This is going to be great! That protagonist bastard had stayed here for a few more minutes he could have also gained this opportunity through his system points..."

[Well with the system it would have been indeed easy to extract this inheritance, lucky us~]

"I seemed to have gained a lot of insights from this inheritance! I have to absorb as much as possible right away!!!"

Mu Chen grinned and returned to his original form and all changes vanished, Mu Chen quietly picked up the Naga Princess and left the place through space in a rush

Mu Chen arrived back at his same cave and placed the Naga Princess at the corner as slowly her vitality returned while Mu Chen started floating in mid air with dozens of insights all around him

While on other hand far away somewhere in Heavenly Realm Song Yifeng was seen coughing blood while covering his arm

"That... Bastard! I won't forgive him! How dare he embarrass me like this!?! My arm will regenerate in a few days but my pride is still hurt! I won't take this encounter lightly! I don't care who he is! I will take my revenge at any cost no matter what I have to do!!!"

Song Yifeng's eyes were completely filled with deep hatred as he muttered that went deeper into the shadows and vanished in darkness


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
