Alchemy Grand Summit (3)

'But so what if you aren't from the protagonist's side!? You are still my lamb slaughtered today!!!'

Suddenly a huge smirk covered Mu Chen's mouth and Mu Chen took back all flames forming and concentrated spherical shape inside his cauldron

'Show is over... Time to be serious!'

Mu Chen closed off his eyes and started feeling ingredients inside the cauldron through his own flames and spatial perception

'The essence of Starlight Dew Drops, Phoenix Feather Essence, Crystalized Moonlight, Dragon Orchid Essence, Essence of Stellar Energy need hard refining for a few more hours to be purified from extra materials that are holding stored essence together

Celestial Lotus Petals, Essence of the Elysian Spring, Aurora Bloom Petals and Sacred Amber Tears need soft and steady refining after going through intense concentration of heat...'

Mu Chen seperated the flames in to two spheres that held two different types of essences and ingredients to further refine from impurities

One held a little lower temperature while just besides that, another sphere held strong temperature and such thing was only possible because Mu Chen's flames only 'burnt what Mu Chen needed to burn'

'There is a reason these flames are called Immortal you know...'

Mu Chen smirked and next both spheres started to revolve around each other just like two black holes before collusion

The other two also seen to struggle hard, specially Hou Shunyuan from Divine Dream Sanctuary who was clearly pushing himself a bit too hard

'Well not for long though...'

Mu Chen smirked and continued the process for few more hours, everyone was on their toes seeing such a intense match here

The whole place was filled with air of immense concentration and excitement, the audience who wasn't even on anyone's side had their blood boiling from anticipation

Time passed but instead of getting bored the excitement just kept growing more and more each time and just as it was about to reach the 3rd hour

The two black flame spheres revolving each other inside Mu Chen's cauldron which have now turned golden because of purest form of essence leaking from them suddenly collided with each other


As soon as two spheres collided the cauldron couldn't take on pressure and exploded into smithereens

"Oh fuck!?"

"Did he fail..."

"Was it loss!? He failed at controlling the flames huh..."

"Well those flames were indeed a bit too much handle for a junior..."

The audience was shocked by sudden explosion but next moment the scene that came left them in even deeper shock

With a simple wave of Mu Chen's hand, the black flames devoured all dust around him due to explosion and a extremely bright pull shining like some crystal treasure surrounded with astonishing bright divine aura floated on his palm

Let alone the disciples gathered there even Grand Elders watching the scene were left stunned, even the Grand Elder Lei Qingshan of Divine Dream Sanctuary who was acting as host was filled with goosebumps as he saw that pill in Mu Chen's palm

"I-is that-!?!"

Mu Chen smiled and as the pill Mu Chen held started floating a few meters above him

"This Junior presents you with 'Nectar of Celestial Restoration'"

Lei Qingshan immediately rushed in and inspected the pill and was left completely astonished by results

"This isn't just a mere 'Nectar of Celestial Restoration', it's a perfect pill, a perfect pill with no impurities, the chances of making such a pill is already once in ten chances

But on top of that creating a perfect pill is a miracle once in a thousand possibilities!"

The place got filled with cheers for Mu Chen, the last disciple of Celestial Phoenix Holyland suddenly exploded his cauldron overwhelmed by Mu Chen and with eyes showing disbelief he immediately questioned

"H-how is that possible... Weren't you using your flames so intensely before!? How can you win!?!"

Mu Chen looked at him briefly for a few seconds and next a smile appeared over his face

'I'm so glad you said these words! I have a perfect reply I have thought of before!!!'

"The task of the contest here was whose flames are purest, the one with greatest results and best control of flames was going to win

I did exactly that... To refine ingredients I selected to create Nectar of Celestial Restoration requires a fast and steady flow of flames followed by intense heat of flames to release the essence I did exactly that while others were busy merely trying to stand up against my flames..."

Mu Chen turned his eyes towards Hao Meng who was still glaring at Mu Chen with hatred and continued with his words

"I have already said before I'm not that lucky it was all game of my sheer calculation, though many don't believe me and I don't care"

Hao Meng was completely overwhelmed with shame as Mu Chen said that and just then Mu Chen's cold gaze of predator moved over to Hou Shunyuan, the last disciple of Divine Dream Sanctuary still standing in the contest

Hou Shunyuan was in intense pressure right now, it was clear Mu Chen was already a winner by a far big achievement but at least needed to create a pill right now

'I need to carry out expectations of my Holyland! I can't back off now! No matter the difference in the talent or resources! I have worked so hard to be what I'm today! I worked day and night! Again and again! No matter the pain no matter the remorse! I will definite-!?'


Suddenly out of nowhere Hou Shunyuan's cauldron exploded and he was thrown out dozens of metres away because of the impact of such an intense explosion while releasing a small river of red blood from his mouth


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
