Divine Array Showdown (1)


Webnovel is changing the place to upload the novel everything, I was scared as fuck when I saw my uploading area has changed this time too 💀💀💀 I will be taking my time to copy paste my work in my phone again, webnovel isn't trust worthy, so future chapters might get delayed a few hours and btw if you are Indian or use Paytm or phone pe! Give money you motherfuc--


Shen Qiqiang scoffed with deep sigh at this commotion but suddenly all attention moved over to Mu Chen

[Nuke has been loaded!]

"The greatest morality is loyalty to your Clan and towards your Holyland/Sect! If one gets blinded by his own pride and delusions for only his own fame and can't carry out expectations of his people, that is just trash in my eyes!

And if you are really talking about morality here I just saved your disciple from exploding himself! Why does no one talk about that?! Really as a 'Heir of Ancient Immortal Mu Clan' and 'Prodigious Disciple of Immortal Void Holyland' I'm utterly disappointed at what Divine Dream Sanctuary has become now...

I heard in old times Divine Dream Sanctuary was always first to help our Immortal Void Holyland and Immortal Void Holyland helped Divine Dream Sanctuary in every life and death situations

Battle of Cursed Realm where both Holyland fought against demonic creatures trusting all lives on each other, annihilation of eclipse star cult where we eliminated all those demonic cultivation bastards and even during siege of the Celestial Citadel

The Divine Dream Sanctuary's illusion formations and techniques are still unrivalled everywhere and praised even in our Immortal Void Holyland, that's just how great Divine Dream Sanctuary is I know of...

The stories that I heard from my mother about the Divine Dream Sanctuary in the past really makes me doubt if it's the same Holyland that fought side by side with our Immortal Void Holyland during all life death situations..."

Mu Chen sighed deeply showing immense disappointment in his eyes, the whole colosseum was left in a dark silence

'Really... How did our rivalry and friendship, once a bond stronger than that of siblings, deteriorate to such an extent? We were the greatest rivals and greatest friends yet... Since when did we start feeling inferior to Immortal Void Holyland, was our rivalry really this weak...'

Shi Zhiqiang was utterly stunned remembering things in the past and time they started together while he was still a disciple and slowly reached up to being a Grand Elder today

Mu Chen on another hand watching that expression over his face was filled with extreme joy on inside

'Well this is 'The Divine Art of Keyboard Warrior'! I will praise you so hard that you will die coughing blood!!'

[Your acts have garnered immense attention from beings in your surrounding!]

[2000 Villain Points Gained!]

For a brief moment the gaze of Shi Zhiqiang remained stuck to Shen Qiqiang as both recalled their past with dim eyes and nodded in acknowledgment

No further words were exchanged and everyone returned to their original positions and Lei Qingshan as a host continued the Grand Celestial Convergence

"Since the first trial has ended let's move on to the next trial, the Trial of Knowledge! Divine Array Showdown!!! This is also an individual skill contest to see which person is the greatest Array Master!

Each Holyland needs to send just one representative!"

As Lei Qingshan announced that Hao Meng was about to move but Divination Sage Shen Qiqiang stopped him and commented

"Hao Meng only specialises in illusion arrays, if you went ahead your opponents are real Adept Array Masters and there even is an Array Grandmaster there! Mu Chen is the best choice"

Hao Meng's face suddenly dropped only to be filled with deep dark frown, Mu Chen didn't even glance at him and immediately jumped into stage once again

Now there were five disciples of five different Holylands standing at the stage at a considerable distance

"In this stage, disciples are only allowed to use arrays to attack and defend in any way you want, anything other than arrays is strictly forbidden!"

'So basically a mage fight huh... It's going to be surprising how much it is going to look similar to western fantasy mage fight...'

Mu Chen nodded and opened up both palms and observed all others and noticed among opponents, three seemed to be Adept Array Masters and the fourth was another female disciple from Divine Dream Sanctuary who was looking at Mu Chen with weird comrade type gaze

'What a weird girl...'

Mu Chen felt a little weird but just then Lei Qingshan announced the beginning


As soon as he said Mu Chen perceived the reactions of all the opponents gathered there at once and next immediately clasped his both wrists together and formed two array signs in one go

As soon as he did that a huge 8 cornered array suddenly appeared in front of him with Yin Yang sign as a centre and another tiny baby palm size array in front this array and as soon as Mu Chen did that the eyes of the disciple right in front of the direction of array suddenly widened

"An Array Grandmaster!? Not only an Alchemy Grandmaster but also an Array Grandmaster!?"

Seeing the look of surprise on the face of that disciple of Divine Radiance Holyland, Mu Chen just grinned

"Nice perception, good potential in array formations"

As Mu Chen said that next moment a wave of ice pillars started rising from ground while rushing towards that disciple

"Kugh! Fuck!!!"

He immediately managed to create a defense array in the form of a shield but just as he did that his eyes widened even more as he saw a small lightning fast ray coming towards him even before the wave of ice pillars

'Ah... He formed two arrays in such a short moment and even predicted me using a defensive array... He is just using that ice to throw me out like some trash isn't he?'



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