Mystic Scribe Challenge (5)

"We will arrive there in 8 hours if we move now!"

Yuan Zhu suddenly commented, everyone looked at each other and nodded and without any hesitation they immediately left towards the direction

And as expected as the full moon was shining on top of there heads, under moonlight the group jumped between the stones besides waterfall and climbed the straight cliff without hesitation

In a few seconds the group arrived at half the height of waterfall but just then Mu Chen suddenly sensed the movements


Mu Chen immediately made a move and covered up all other three in a cover of space

'T-this is power of Law of Space!?'

'Brother Mu Chen is too good!'

'My presence vanished from this dimension!?!'

Other three were completely surprised but just next moment from between the waterfall the disciples of both Crimson Pheonix Holyland and Divine Radiance Holyland were seen rushing out

Mu Chen's group watched them leave the place eyes their own eyes, after a few minutes Mu Chen removed the concealment and next Gong Xiaoling gestured towards the front

"He-!? How did!!!"

*Serene Lotus Palm!*


*Blaze Concealment Fist!*

*Mist Vanishing Strike!*

There were a few disciples of both Holyland placed inside that hidden cave at cliff behind waterfall but Mu Chen, Yuan Zhu and Gong Xiaoling immediately took care of it in a flash

"Numbers are right... The 7 people just went outside! We finished off 3"

Qin Liwei commented and his Emerald Eye Owl glowed brightly even in dark, working like a torch

"We got artifact!"

Gong Xiaoling grinned brightly as she picked up the artifact they have lost in morning, Mu Chen grinned and they immediately left the hidden cave but just as they came out and landed back on ground all four noticed Hao Meng standing in front of them

"Ha? How dare you four disobey the leader and just leave! Without my orders! I told you I was just going to hide the artifact but why are you here?"

All four were shocked as they saw Hao Meng right in front of them

"But how did you find us?"

Gong Xiaoling questioned in a little surprise, Hao Meng scoffed coldly hearing her and with smug grin took out a concealed talisman from the neck of Qin Liwei

"I placed it on his back from start in case we ever seperate..."

'Well that's what I know but isn't this too fast for him to be here... It took us 8 hours to travel 93 miles here, how is he here just like this in such an intense realm...'

Mu Chen was a little confused but next moment Gong Xiaoling directly took out the artifact they just retrieved after being tired of Hao Meng's nagging and announced

"We just got here to get back what we lost!"

"The second artifact! So it was here!"

Hao Meng was completely surprised and immediately snatched the artifact from Gong Xiaoling and muttered in shock

"If it is here then what did I -!!!!? No! That bastard from Divine Radiance Holyland!!?"

"Oh my thank you for finding back stolen artifact! Hahaha! Seems like we almost lost what we just got today!"

Suddenly all five disciples of Immortal Void Holyland found themselves surrounded by 6 of disciples from Divine Radiance Holyland and Celestial Pheonix Holyland

"You! You tricked me!!!"

Hao Meng shouted at the leader of Divine Radiance Holyland but he on other hand just sniggered and took out the golden silvery jade stamp and with scoff commented

"There is no such thing as getting tricked in here, this is trial of Wisdom anyways"

Hao Meng was left completely stunned but just then suddenly a bright light emerged from his back and immediately red golden chains rushed towards all five of them

'I can break it open right now but... Not in leadership of that bastard!'

Mu Chen sniggered and just let the chains bind him and in a flash all 5 of disciples from Immortal Void Holyland were restrained by the chains and the leaders of both Divine Radiance Holyland and Crimson Pheonix Holyland sniggered coldly and next moment one of them started talking coldly while looking down at Hao Meng

"You see this leader of yours encountered us about a few hours ago while we were coming from the Sacred Star Academy bastards after gaining the real jade stamp from them, we met him who was trying to hide a fake jade stamp

But our group has separated into two and we were getting chased by Sacred Star Academy bastards, so taking advantage of him being alone we snatched the fake artifact from him and gave him real one

This bastard also chased after us thinking we have snatched real deal from him, hahaha! After the Sacred Star Academy bastard found us they thought that we have taken fake artifact and they returned and then this bastard found us

We exchanged the artifact again! Hahahaha! He is such a fool!!! Hahaha! For a moment he had gained a real jade stamp and he still chased after us to get the fake one! And not only that we have used tracking talisman on him! So when we saw him coming towards our base we followed him and damn!!! He helped us again from losing our second artifact! Thanks! Thanks! Brother Hao Meng for helping us so much!!!"

As he finished his words the faces of all disciples of Immortal Void Holyland had dropped to hell with look of disparity radiating on them

But among all the dark faces there was one face which was shining with the dark grin of the devil under the light of the radiant moon

'So to say it went exactly as I have planned to be!!!'

Nobody noticed Mu Chen's grin and the disciples of Divine Radiance Holyland and Celestial Pheonix Holyland snatched the second artifact from Hao Meng and left along with all members

"What a pity! It was nice place to hide! Hahaha!"

As they left Mu Chen shattered the chains and stood up and with just a touch he also shattered chains of Gong Xiaoling, Yuan Zhu and Qin Liwei and while looking coldly at Hao Meng, Mu Chen coldly announced

"You aren't worthy to be leader... Go sit in some corner for rest of days now! If we see you move now we will cripple you before snatching artifacts from others..."

"Wait!? Th-that wasn't my!-Shi-!!! Fuck!!!!!?"

Nobody heard him anymore and leaving him in that pathetic state, everyone just left coldly and from now on this whole realm was going to dance in the palm of Mu Chen's threads


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
