Martial Glory Warfare Tournament! (2)

As here Mu Chen had just finished off Divine Radiance Holyland on other side Hou Yanqi had already swiftly taken down 3 of Disciples from Celestial Pheonix Holyland


"Why are you running if you dare attack!!!"

The disciples shouted and suddenly the Eagle Spirit Beast of Celestial Pheonix Holyland's disciples suddenly rushed towards Hou Yanqi

"Nice try!!!"

Hou Yanqi grinned and her Spear smoothly passed right through the Spirit Beast and it was still in process of turning into light particles as Hou Yanqi rushed forward with a three layered array on her left arm

"Till we meet again!!!"

As Hou Yanqi shouted that a huge dragon projectile mix of wind, fire and thunder element rushed out of her array and devoured the both remaining disciples of Celestial Pheonix Holyland at once and turned them into light particles

"What the actual fuck..."

"Do they even need it in a group?"

"Even among elites they are on a whole another level"

"Too strong..."

The remaining disciples of both Immortal Void Holyland and Divine Dream Holyland were dazed by the show of such strength of Mu Chen and Hou Yanqi and suddenly the eyes of Hou Shunyuan and Gong Xiaoling met each other and next all their faces moved towards the disciples of Sacred Star Academy who were already filled with sweats seeing so many predator eyes set on them

"Let's call it a temporary alliance!"

"Alliance accepted!!!"

Hou Shanyuan gave an offer and Gong Xiaoling immediately accepted it and all 8 of them immediately rushed at the disciples of Sacred Star Academy

"H-hey? Isn't that too much?"

"Since when was the bond between these two Holylands so good!!?"

"Dying by drowning and now an alliance!?!"

"Dammit kill me now!!!"

Hou Shanyuan and Gong Xiaoling both smirked seeing the faces of disciples of Sacred Star Academy and both shouted in unison


Like that after a cat dog fight between the alliance and Sacred Star Academy the battle obviously ended with one sided annihilation of Sacred Star Academy

"Fuck you bastards..."

"People in power are bullying this pitiful lady..."

"Too much dreams old hag!"

"Damn alliances... We died two times because of that dammit..."

As disciples of Sacred Star Academy slowly turned into light particles suddenly a loud collision in skies caught the attention of all the disciples of Immortal Void Holyland and Divine Dream Holyland

"Hahahaha! So this is the full strength Brother Mu Chen?! Amusing! Amusing indeed!"

"The same can be said about Senior Sister Hou Yanqi!!!"

Both complimented each other and next moment as edges of sword and spear touched each other an enormous shockwave spread hundreds of miles

"Fighting is useless"

"I'm going to join the Buddhism Master after this..."

"Namo Amitabha!"

"May we reach nirvana"

The will to fight among all the remaining disciples seemed to have already broken and next second Gong Xiaoling stabbed Hou Shunyuan at his throat while Hou Shunyuan also blew her off with his Immortal Flames

"Let's have some drinks after this"

"I know a nice place! Cough!"

"Gggrr... Hiiu..."

"Why are you even trying your throat is blown off? Kugh!"

And after that friendly censored last greeting all of them turned into light particles, the fight between them was useless anyways

In front of a clash of two behemoths, these tiny cats and dogs had no chance to begin with so rather then embarrassing themselves choosing the suicidal peace was better option

And now there were just supernova level talents clashing head on in the skies

"Come on be faster Brother Mu Chen!!! The sword is so dull! Then be prepared to get beaten up by this master of spears!!!"

*Revolving Spear Thrust Star!*

Hou Yanqi mocked Mu Chen as she continuously tried to thrust her spear towards him, Mu Chen sniggered and blocked her all strikes with his 8 floating swords by the edges and shouted

"Schooled with a spear you say!? But I have seen more life threatening toothpicks compared to your spear Senior Sister Hou Yanqi!"

*Wind Blowing Tempest!*

Mu Chen shouted as he struck towards her with the sword in his hand but Mu Chen's arm suddenly got binded mid air by flame chains coming out of an array formation behind him as Hou Yanqi shouted back with little nerve popping on her head

"You expect to catch up with me with such movements!? Dream on!!!"

As Hou Yanqi shouted that the array chains started to pull back Mu Chen and Hou Yanqi immediately rushed in to thrust her spear but just suddenly out of nowhere a metal shield suddenly popped out of thin air right in front of her face


"You say I'm slow... But many people call my movements as graceful art you know..."

Mu Chen mocked Hou Yanqi and this time she really picked it up as Hou Yanqi formed four layers all around Mu Chen and while grabbing her bleeding nose she shouted

"I have seen plenty of toddlers trying to walk! Don't call such a thing elegant!!!"


Mu Chen made an amused voice and next dozens of chains rushed at him from the array formations to bind him up so Hou Yanqi can calm her rage


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
