Sacred Missions (5)

"I'm Inner Disciple Ye Xiaobo from Immortal Void Holyland, and this is the master I serve, the Sacred Disciple Mu Chen!"

Ye Xiaobo was seen introducing Mu Chen surrounded in profound heroic presence with mysterious eyes and wind blowing around him

"Silver Willow Clan Patriarch Lin Qiang! Greets the Senior!"

The whole Clan along with the Patriarch directly knelt to Mu Chen, as few were standing in front of an astonishing mansion in the middle of a big city

'Patriarch here is also just an Immortal Sovereign huh... Seems like the average is like that...'

Mu Chen observed them and nodded with a smile and next Mu Chen was taken to the grandest hall and served tea and they repeated the process

"The Silver Willow Clan has been managing Willow City for generations, we have defended the city with our lives but recently a Demonic Clan has risen in influence and it's trying to spread its influence even here

We tried to resist but the Guardian of our Clan got killed instead, those Demonic bastards are too much, even after telling the name of Holyland they are still spreading evil, it seems the leader of those sinners is an Immortal Monarch or maybe a Sage already! That's why our Shiver Willow Clan seeks your assistance!"

Mu Chen heard them and Ye Xiaobo also sighed hearing them and commented

"There are indeed some arrogant clans or sects who try to pick a fight despite Holyland's assistance here and then, though the numbers are merely 1% that's still a pain..."

Mu Chen nodded and stood up and commanded others

"Guide me to the location"

As Mu Chen said everyone did the same and after a few minutes Mu Chen, Ye Xiaobo and some top people of clan were seen standing in air in front of a omnious mansion and buildings at some peak shrouded in omnious energy

"That's the clan huh..."

Mu Chen sighed and grabbed his sword and with shining pupils Mu Chen observed all lives of clan there and commented

"All of them are rotten bastards after all..."

Mu Chen seemed deeply disappointed as he muttered that with heavy voice but on inside there was no end to his grin


The Patriarch and all Elders of Silver Willow Clan saw Mu Chen slowly taking out his sword and as soon as his whole sword came out an immense pressure emerged over the atmosphere

'Can't breathe!?'

'Fuck! What's with this chill aura!!?'

'Too strong!!!'

'I'm not even a target of this intent yet I already feel such fear!!!'

All of them were filled with endless goosebumps and chills while from Demonic Clan various figures filled with sweats were seen rushing towards Mu Chen

"Senior! Please forgive us!"

"W-we aren't at fault!"

"It was only the leader who tried it!"

"We warned him about Immortal Void Holyland! He didn't listen!!!"

Their eyes were filled with crazy madness by sheer presence of Mu Chen's killing intent, despite their begging and desperate attempts to live Mu Chen just coldly swung the sword with cold words

"Evil must be judged by the sword not the words..."

*Void God Sword Art!*

Mu Chen said that and just did one swing and took back his sword and next moment the whole space of Peak where the Demonic Clan was situated suddenly ceased to exist, Mu Chen's sword destroyed the space itself

"Too strong!!?"

"Dozens of Immortal Emperors in one swing!?"

"Even Immortal Sovereign!??"

"Really too strong! Is this the strength of the Sacred Disciple!?"

The whole Silver Willow Clan seemed surprised and next moment as Mu Chen extended his hand all souls and essence of that Demonic Clan started to get sucked towards Mu Chen as Mu Chen commented while just partiality materializing just his palm with Divine Energy

"Since I'm at it, I will destroy all this corrupted Demonic Energy too, it might harm the surroundings if I just let it be..."

As Mu Chen said that the people from Silver Willow Clan seemed visibly touched by Mu Chen's words

"You are too kind Senior!"

"How can we ever thank you with words..."

"Such a divine soul..."

"Indeed worthy to be the Sacred Disciple of Immortal Void Holyland!!!"

Mu Chen scoffed in his heart hearing these praises cause what he was doing was just opposite

'Using Divine Energy outside I'm purifying corrupted energy and then sucking up pure essence and souls... It's really easy to hide darkness under light isn't it?'

Mu Chen smiled and in just a few moments Mu Chen absorbed all essence and souls above Immortal Emperor Realm and commented

"No need to thank me in any way just the pure kind consideration in your heart is enough"

Mu Chen's words and that light on his face left everyone there stunned and just quietly Mu Chen formed another portal and left leaving people here still stupefied by such heroic charm

"Such a hero!?"

"He is really a Divine Soul!"

"What a blessing to have seen such a lord with my own eyes in this world!!!"

"He doesn't do everything cause of luck! He has everything cause he is only one worthy! I'm willing to die for him if ever a situation comes like that..."

[Silver Willow Clan is stunned by your heroic heart!]

[100 Villain Points Gained!]

'Ho Ho Ho~ what a nice farming~ increasing wealth and dignity both in one go~'


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
