The Ancient Suicide Bomber (1)

"Well of course since w-!? Ye Xiaobo! Dodge!!!"

Mu Chen's face suddenly showed immense panic as his gaze moved behind, Ye Xiaobo also panicked but by time he could react his head was smashed by some kind of weapon and Ye Xiaobo crashed over to a wall in cave and as he was losing conciseness he noticed a figure of another Demonic Cultivator in front of Mu Chen with extremely creepy and dark energy around him

"Y... Young Master... Run..."

Before Ye Xiaobo could say anymore suddenly his conciseness faded and he lost consciousness on the corner of the cave

"An-another Demonic Cultivator!?"

The soul in Mu Chen's palm seemed to have gained some kind of hope in his eyes but next suddenly the figure of Demonic Cultivator turned into dust particles and vanished in the air leaving just one of Mu Chen's sword in sheath floating over there

"Don't think too much of a little one, the world is bigger than you can comprehend..."

Mu Chen commented and next moment absorbed the whole soul along with its essence and Mu Chen observed Ye Xiaobo and muttered

"The Forbidden Illusion Techniques I received from the inheritance of Senior Zhu Bao seem to be working well...

Then Ye Xiaobo, just relax here in the cave for sometime, I will be right back after creating some troubles"

As Mu Chen said that his presence suddenly started to turn cold and he opened up a portal and moved over to another the side portal as he did Mu Chen was seen coming out in mid air in front an enormously huge settlement over various floating islands just above the skies of that region covered in mist and towering peaks from where Mu Chen has just killed of Demonic Cultivator

"Who are you!?"

As soon as Mu Chen came out Mu Chen noticed a young man with black hair, pale skin complexion with some snake-like dark scales on his skin, black tattoos on him with a spear in hand pointing his weapon at him

Mu Chen looked at him coldly from above and kept glaring feeling an unexplainable rage in his mind

'Is because I also inherited Zhu Bao's will that I can feel it, this endless rage and unexplainable intent to kill these bastards I never even met before'

"Hey you bastard! I'm asking you again! Who are you to dare come into the territory of 'Void Fang Clan' uninvited!!?"

Mu Chen's attention once again moved over to that boy and Mu Chen questioned

"Is this one of the 5 Divine Demon Clans from the Ancient Era?"

As Mu Chen said that the boy looked visibly proud and with grin replied

"Of course it is! Our Void Fang Clan is one of 5 Divine Demon Clans that served Ancient Sinister Demonic God-Emperor in Ancient Era! The one who ruled above all! Hahaha! Currently we are living in seclusion here waiting for his return"

He was filled with smug grin as he looked towards Mu Chen, Mu Chen on other hand just scoffed as he commented

"Oh, that saves me trouble to brainwash you and take out the information from you"

"Y-you! Anyways! Who are you!!! How did you manage to see through the Mist Viel that has been hiding our clan for centuries and how did you manage to come here!!?"

The boy started to roar at Mu Chen, Mu Chen on other hand sniggered in amusement and decided to have some fun himself

"You see I received inheritance from a certain someone of Ancient Era, he said he had five enemies, from the partial memories I got from him I decided to search up the location of his enemies

I purposefully took missions to all places where the last traces of his enemies were located at, well at least 5% of missions I took were to find the traces

After matching up traces using my Foresight of Divination, I guessed up a few places where the enemies could be located and this place was by far the most certain place so guess what will happen now?"

Mu Chen questioned with a bright smile, the boy in front of him has also dropped down his guard and questioned in daze

"What will happen now?"

Mu Chen heard him and suddenly a cold smirk covered his whole face

"Complete Annihilation~"

Mu Chen said that and next moment suddenly the gaze of the boy in front of Mu Chen moved towards his own shoulders and as he saw that his eyes widened seeing his whole left side of body has been blown away before even realising

"Tsk! Just an Immortal Emperor huh... But oh well..."

Mu Chen smirked as next moment he noticed hundreds of figures rushing towards him from all across flying islands

"Guess now that I have pushed my hand into the beehive there will surely be many coming to bite me too..."

Mu Chen muttered that and next moment just as he had said hundreds of youngsters of Void Fang Clan were seen standing in air in front of him with weapons and armours

"Who are you outsiders who dare to kill the people of our Clan inside our clan?!"

Mu Chen scoffed seeing so many of them and next moment beyond anyone's expectation Mu Chen suddenly took out the spear of the dead boy on ground through space and looked at each one of them in front,

The spear started to get completely covered in Demonic Essence Mu Chen had stored separately from that Demonic Cultivator he killed just a few minutes ago and then coldly sniggered watching those dead serious faces asking for blood

"I'm... The Ancient Suicide Bomber..."



Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
