Annihilated Void Fang Clan (4)

"In this form you have no chance..."

The Patriarch of Void Fang Clan shouted that and immediately rushed towards Nie Zihao with his bloodlust all over the place

"So that's the full strength of an Immortal God Realm expert with Ancient Techniques and Skills huh..."

Mu Chen muttered that as he looked forward in worry, Xu Song immediately moved and started to take out his sword as he said

"I will assist! Ancient Techniques like this aren't something even Nie Zihao's artifacts can take on"

Mu Chen nodded but just gestured for him to stop as the next moment the laws of space covered him completely again and he commented

"He is indeed strong now but... How dare he even try to step into my domain of rule..."

As Mu Chen said he closed his palm completely and next suddenly the eyes of that Patriarch widened and he got completely covered in sweats

'Why can't I teleport!? It's as if the doors ahead have been completely locked suddenly!?'

Suddenly his gaze moved over towards Mu Chen far in distance who was grinning with cold light in his gaze and a dense raven like aura around him that only the eyes of the Patriarch could see

"It's him... We are using void but he rules it..."

"How dare you look away!!!"

Suddenly as Patriarch of Void Fang Clan had lost his attention Nie Zihao appeared right in front of him and with 7 flame wheels circling his arm, Nie Zihao's fist landed right in the chest of the Patriarch of Void Fang Clan


The Patriarch was pushed dozens of metres away coughing blood and next knowing difference in strength Nie Zihao didn't dare to take it lightly and showing godly control on his flame wheels and underrated Martial techniques he kept beating up that Patriarch again and again


Nie Zihao completely sliced off the both wrist of the Patriarch and as they were regenerating he used remaining 5 flaming wheels to directly attack the chest of Patriarch


Nie Zihao gave a lethal damage there followed by several fists and kicks all over the face of Patriarch of Void Fang Clan

While Mu Chen watching this first class fight with a monstrously smooth flow just almost dazed away

'Why did those bastards not show this shit... Aren't the villain's subordinates practically mid bosses, how can people fucking ignore it,

While worshipping dog shit protagonists why do people forget that characters like Nie Zihao are actually a world class genius! He is a fucking Artifact Saint! His level of control and preciseness is really too strong!!!'

Just as Mu Chen thinking that suddenly the Patriarch of Void Fang Clan grabbed all the flaming wheels of Nie Zihao with his bare hands covered in that dark Demonic aura and shouted

"You are dead now you bastard?!!"

But this time just as he moved his gaze upwards you look at Nie Zihao again his face got completely covered up with endless chills as suddenly a huge spear looking halbard passed right through his chest

"Our thoughts really do match a lot after all..."

Nie Zihao smirked coldly as next moment he pulled back the halbard along with the soul of the Patriarch and while grabbing him in his palm Nie Zihao coldly commented

"Dare to hurt my Young Master... None in this world will stop the annihilation of your Clan today..."

As Nie Zihao said that he was about to crush the soul but just then suddenly Mu Chen lost the control over the space and a roar was heard throughout the place with a new presence there

"Don't you dare kill him!"

As the new voice came everyone on the battlefield was left absolutely stunned and petrified by mere pressure in that voice of Ancient Powerhouse

"The Ancestor!!"

"It's the Ancestor!"

"Hahaha! The Ancestor of the Void Fang Clan is finally here!"

"He seems to have broken through! Ancestor is a God Sovereign now hahaha!*

A wave of awe and smiles spread throughout the place and next moment Nie Zihao and all others noticed an old man with his white hair and just beard waving violently in distance and completely pitch dark aura surrounding his presence

"How dare you attack my Ancient Void Fang Clan today like this!? Do you not fear the wrath of the Ancients to be so daring today?!"

His roar and aura alone has overwhelmed the whole battlefield all alone, the space was trembling and gravity seemed to be increased too

"Ancestor!? This junior is extremely sorry for you to have come out like this today! But please save me!!!"

The soul of Patriarch of Void Fang Clan seemed extremely relieved as he looked at his Ancestor with deep hope and next moment the Ancestor suddenly turned his face at Nie Zihao and roared

"You arrogant ant! You dare to still not release the Patriarch of my clan! Then very well!!! Face death you desire!!!"


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
