Guidance (2)

"... Die"

Now that Xi Shi's bloodlust had really taken over the place, Xiao Wenqian could feel the death's blade hanging over her neck

The intense pressure of Xi Shi that made even breathing a difficult task, Xiao Wenqian gritted her teeth feeling the seriousness of atmosphere

*Wishperring Demon's Trance!*

Xiao Wenqian immediately activated her talent and while widening her eyes immediately a wave of dark energy rushed towards Xi Shi, it felt like dozens of demonic spirits have been leaked out of Xiao Wenqian's body as they were rushing over towards Xi Shi to devour her

'This will surely weaken her to some level, even a temporary shock is enough for me to do some level damage! No matter how strong she is right now! Her mind should definitely be weake-'

"Too weak"

All the thoughts of Xiao Wenqian were destroyed by just two words of Xi Shi as next a wave of wind shrouded in True Wind Element completely destroyed the Xiao Wenqian's move

"What the heck..."

Xiao Wenqian was stunned by how easily one of her trump cards got destroyed without any effects but she didn't day dilly there while acting shocked and immediately various runes started to ignite throughout her body

'So she is directly trying to tap into the demonic form huh...'

Mu Chen observed her while tapping over his face with his finger as an amused expression kept widening over his face as Xiao Wenqian was completely enveloped in darkish aura

"Oh, I felt it was something like that, so she is also kind of like Shan Yu?"

Xi Shi also commented with a little surprised face and suddenly out of nowhere another layer of poisonous aura covered Xiao Wenqian

*Ancient Poison God's Grace!*

"Now be careful!"

Xiao Wenqian warned and immediately dashed, her agility had increased upto several times, to the point even watching after images left by her movements was hard and each step left no trace, it was like invisible assassin in open ground

"That's quite the good talent"

Xi Shi nodded and Xiao Wenqian was continuously flashing all around her showing that incredible agility while trying to find a blind spot over Xi Shi

"A pity you are so weak~"

Xi Shi suddenly sighed while relaxing her posture as if she didn't even consider Xiao Wenqian any danger for her and that exactly was what Xiao Wenqian had been waiting for all that time


She didn't miss the opportunity and immediately flashed behind Xi Shi's neck with sword covered in poison flame like aura and eyes radiating with blood cold poison

"This time it's definitely my wi-"


Xiao Wenqian was sure she had secured that chance but Xi Shi suddenly turned her face back at unseen pace of speed and with eyes shining in whitish aura she easily pushed away Xiao Wenqian with mere hilt of her sword

"Isn't she just Immortal Sovereign!? How is she so fast!!!"

Xiao Wenqian couldn't contain that shock she has just seen and roared without any hesitation but just then Xi Shi was seen standing right in front of her with her crossed arm holding sword ready for a swing

"Losing composure is losing the war"

Xi Shi casually said the words and immediately swung her sword but somehow Xiao Wenqian dodged the by jumping several dozen meters up in sky and as she looked downwards at the ground where she was previously standing on

'It is completely turned into a dust!!!'

Xiao Wenqian was filled with cold sweats and goosebumps as she saw that and next as her gaze moved she noticed Xi Shi looking straight over her from the ground with her sword pointing towards the ground

'She is scary!!!'

Xiao Wenqian felt the death and suddenly hundreds of swords which were basically materialized poison aura emerged all around Xiao Wenqian up in air pointing towards Xi Shi


Xiao Wenqian commanded and all materialized swords immediately started to rain down over Xi Shi's place as soon as the first sword made contact with Xi Shi's sword it exploded into poisonous gas capable of melting immortal metals like ice into water

One can tell by how even the ground has melted into a pool of poisonous liquid and grass into ashes up to several meters, just how dangerous even a single shred of that gas was and Xiao Wenqian had rained hundreds of such

Xiao Wenqian kept watching the ground for several seconds even after the whole place had turned into a pile of decomposed shit and suddenly a voice behind Xiao Wenqian commented

"Scary right?"

"... Yeah"

Xiao Wenqian subconsciously nodded but as the realisation came she immediately turned back and saw Xi Shi patting over her head with that motherly smile on her face


Xiao Wenqian was lost over her long shock time but just then after two taps over Xiao Wenqian's head Xi Shi suddenly tightened her fist and smashed it over Xiao Wenqian's head sending her straight over the ground and nailing her into ground like some hammer

"Until the enemy is dead, don't be relaxed"

Xi Shi gave clear instructions while up in air, Xiao Wenqian here on ground slowly came out of ground and released her sword and her fangs and claws drenched in poison finally started to touch the light

"Finally ehhh..."


Join the discord guys, I really need a lot of suggestions from you all~ ^+^
