Court trial

How is Spid going to handle such a case? 

Spid sat there with his hand resting under his jaw, looking bored. 

After the last person was interrogated by lawyer An, he sighed like half his life had been wasted before he stood up and saluted the judge. 

Spid is known for not interrupting his opponent all through their interrogation of witnesses and also doesn't object to anything.

After all, he wasn't known to be the best lawyer in the world by battling words with others.

"Your honor. In here is the new evidence I gathered. The case was too sudden, so I didn't have time to gather enough." He stretched the brown envelope to a court staff member who walked up to him to collect the file and handed it to the judge. 

The judge went through the so-called evidence with a frown of displeasure on his face. 

"Lawyer S.P, what is the meaning of this? Are you here to play with the court?!" The judge yelled.