Making peace with Valen

"I'll move out today. I'll take Mulan with me." Valen said. 

"I have no problem with that," Maverick said. 

Just when Valen turned and was about to leave, Maverick continued.

"Young man, you can only move out after you turn 18." 


Valen and Rex simultaneously turned to look at Maverick. 

He didn't even spare anyone a glance as his fingers stroked the object in his hand. 


"Are you playing with me, Mr. Maverick?" Valen narrowed his eyes at his father. 

"You have two options. Either you get your freedom at 18 or you get your freedom at 7."

Rex widened his mouth in shock. However, Valen curled his lips. 

"What's the catch?" He knew his father wouldn't give him a free pass. Getting his freedom at 7 must come with a condition.

"Stay in the mansion until I find a solution to your problem," Maverick said with his head lowered to stare at the black object.

Valen pursed his lips and thought about it for a while before he nodded. "Deal, but–"