Maverick to the rescue.

"You might be his 'wife', but nobody knows that. If I were you, I'd hide my face in shame and stop calling him my husband." Mulan scoffed.

"Hmmm… that's right…" The maid walked back with the scarf. Jeslyn took the scarf from the maid and started to tie it around her waist while saying, "...The world might not know me to be his wife but the important people in his life do. Even a nanny like you does, so that's already a good announcement.

Maverick and I don't need the world to get married or approve our union." Jeslyn beamed. 


"Don't bother with your incessant talks. If you aren't tired, I am… by the way, isn't it too early to come to a house with a newly wedded couple? You should leave. My husband, son, brother-in-law, and I want to have the day all to ourselves and bond over breakfast.

Also… " Jeslyn smiled shyly. "He was…" She lowered her voice and leaned towards Mulan. "godly in bed. Very hot and he made me scream his name all through."