Snow Moon cakes

Valen pushed against Jeslyn after a few moments of freezing.

Feeling his struggle, Jeslyn broke the hug only to see Valen's face reddened with fury.

He pointed his left index finger at Jeslyn. The finger was trembling, and so was his whole body.

"Y–you, you–" Valen wanted to use abusive words but they got stuck in his throat when he saw Jeslyn's beautiful face looking at him with confusion.

Valen gritted his teeth, glared at Jeslyn, turned around, and stormed off.

Jeslyn watched as the boy left the room and slammed the door with all the strength his left hand could summon.

Jeslyn turned to look at Maverick, but he had his head down, writing.

"Your son… is he mad at me?" She asked.

"Hmm," Maverick responded without raising his head.

"Did I do anything wrong?" Jeslyn queried in a small voice.

Maverick raised his head to look at her. Seeing how meekly she was staring back at him, he slowly nodded.