Consummate or not to consummate?

Inside Maverick's room…

Just like always, the room didn't change, except for the lamp beside the bed, illuminating a small part of the room in a dim glow.

Although dim, it was bright enough to see the activities going on around the perimeter of the bed. 

Maverick, who was lying on the edge of the bed and reading a book with the help of the light coming from the lamp, heard the sound of the doorbell. He glanced at the alarm clock on top of the drawer, it was brought in by Rex a few days before he left for his mission. 

Maverick picked up a remote lying close to the lamp and pressed a button with his hand stretched towards the door while his eyes were on the book he was reading. 

Once the door was opened, Jeslyn walked in. 

"You are ten minutes late," he said nonchalantly. His voice still left an impact, but it wasn't impactful enough to scare her. 

Jeslyn answered while walking towards him, "I couldn't leave Valen alone."