Finding the truth.

Jeslyn immediately let go of Pink's hand like she was holding a hot potato. "Wh– who are you?!" She turned fierce like she had seen an enemy.

Pink put down her sleeve and sighed. She rested her head on the car seat and slowly closed her eyes. "Alice, you did it till the end." She mumbled.

"Y–you know my mother?" It was a rhetorical question. She had doubts about Pink's behavior for the longest time but couldn't prove it. 

The way Pink treats her like her child right from prison, what Yellow was saying to her the other day in her room that Pink didn't finish, how Pink protects her like a mother hen, the CCTV footage that captured Pink looking at her mother's picture frame at the glass house. Amidst other little signs she had been 'ignoring', told her Pink was related to her and she was bound to find out today, whether she liked it or not.

"Jeslyn, child…" Pink turned her eyes to the driver's seat. "Find us a club." She commanded Blue.

"Yes, boss!"