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Jeslyn chuckled dryly. "Whose fault is it?..." Jeslyn gave the pin to the manager before chit-chatting with Rex while waiting for the card. 

Meanwhile, Ray was so shocked that he almost tripped on nothing. "Jes– Jeslyn? My Jeslyn?" He mumbled to himself in utter disbelief. 

After the manager deducted his money, he handed the card to Jeslyn with both hands. 

Jeslyn accepted the card and intended to return it knowing that it belonged to Maverick, however seeing the name boldly written with silver, she choked. 'L.L Jeslyn.' 

She kept the card away to not look suspicious. "Have a nice time paying." She smiled at Youan before holding Valen's hand and walking out of the store with the others following behind with her shopping bags. 

Along the way, she stopped to buy a few more things she found to her liking before they finally left the mall. Unbeknownst to them that Ray was following them from behind.