
Jeslyn was pacing back and forth in her sitting room while biting her nails with her phone in hand. The screen showed that Maverick's number was on dial.

[ Sorry, the number you called is not available at the moment, please try again later… ]

Jeslyn hissed and canceled the call. "What is wrong with you? Your network is bad. How can Maverick's phone be unreachable for three days? That's absurd!" 

"Little bunny, calm down. You are making me dizzy." Yellow said while rubbing her temple. 

"How can I calm down when I can't speak with anyone? I can't even speak with Pink." She pouted.

"I called Pink and she said your husband is fine. Don't worry about him. Nothing can happen to him." 

"How sure are you? What if they take the fight to the hospital where Valen is?"

Yellow chuckled, "why do you think your husband started this chaos in the first place?" 

"He started it?" Jeslyn frowned in displeasure.