Sugar plum – Candy floss

If Jeslyn had done the same thing he did with Vera, the guy would have long forgotten he once lived on earth.

"I want a Piggyback, my legs are aching." Jeslyn only wanted to test him. She thought he would rather carry her bridal style than lower himself in front of her. Much to her amazement, he stopped walking and went down for her to get on his back.

This was too realistically unrealistic! She couldn't believe that Maverick of all people would be this lovely towards his woman. Jeslyn was happy, so happy that her joy rubbed on Maverick and he set aside his worries for a while.

"Sugar plum, I'd be extremely happy to have our baby but not right now," she kissed his head.

Maverick was dazed for a moment. Not because of what she said but because of what she called him– sugar plum. Little Rossa used to call him that because he gave her lots of sugar plums back then on the island.