Conspiracy (3)

"You are forgetting it's my house. I can throw you out like you just threw my pillow. When I tell you guys to stop running after quiet ladies, you won't listen. Quiet ladies are ruthless, especially those that love you but know you don't love them, so it's even. Just throw her out and return to your carefree life." 

"Rex, just go." Inspector Fin shooed him away before concentrating on the laptop. 

Inspector Fin sighed and ruffled his already messy hair. Before his father died, he left his best friend's daughter under his protection… Well, they were engaged from young. The girl had no family anymore either. 

Fin didn't intend to do anything with her but the spirit of beautiful ladies tempted him. Though she was at fault because she seduced him and now, she's making his carefree life difficult. She wants a baby and he's not intending for such a joke to happen. 

Clicking on the send button, the laptop screen suddenly went blank.