Kill her

She couldn't hold the hand that was holding the tablet, and neither would she dare to pull his hand out of his pocket. So, her hand was left outstretched in an awkward manner.

She slowly put her hands down as tears ran down her cheeks.

"Mav, please help me talk to our son. I'm his real mother and I have no evil plans towards him. A stepmother can never be able to love him like a real mother would. Please, I want to bond with him, please, Mav. This is the only thing I ask."

Maverick looked at her with dull eyes, then his eyes trailed to her stomach. Vera followed his eyes and hugged her stomach in fright. 

"Take care of it." He said and walked away.

Vera stood there frozen. She didn't understand what he meant by that. Was he still after her baby? That can't be because Valen needs the child's bone marrow. Then, is he trying to warn her that Jeslyn would do something to her baby?