Saying the wrong words

*Unedited. Didn't get enough time. I'll do it later. I'm sorry for the trouble.*

Right on time, Maverick was just coming out of his office with Rex behind him when he saw his wife and son. Unintentionally, his lips stretched into a faint smile. 

"Plum," Jeslyn called with a cute voice. She knew Valen wasn't allowed to leave the mansion. Although the child wanted to go out, she wasn't sure Maverick would allow it. Secondly, they didn't inform him beforehand that they wanted to go out with him. What if he has an important meeting that cannot wait? 

"Rex told me already, let's go." He replied and walked up to them.

"Uncle Rex is so lovely," Jeslyn gave Rex a thumbs up. 

Rex's pride flared up like how a peacock would raise its feathers. "I told you I'm the best." He said.

"Oh please…" Jeslyn rolled her eyes before pulling the mask to rest on her jaw and the glasses to her head, revealing a ravishing face.