Selling her sister–meeting Christine

Emilee placed down her cutlery and dabbled a handkerchief on her lips before speaking: "Protecting her secret is your duty. Giving you what you want is her responsibility. However, I wouldn't want to hear sad stories coming from your side." She paused and raised her eyes to look into his deep black ones.

The young man sighed after a while of silence before speaking. "I only deal with virgins. Is she?"

Emilee looked at Christine who wasn't paying attention to their conversation. "Yes, she is," Emilee replied on her behalf.

"Then that's good." The young man replied with his eyes on Christine. "Although that is so," he paused. "The secret is still too much to be hidden. Your sister is not talented, she can't sing and can't write her own music, yet, She's a B– lister. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. You'll need more than being a virgin to make things work." He slowly placed his hand on Christine's lap and rubbed it gently.