Blackmailed into returning to school

Annoyed and feeling remorse, he got off her and gently covered her shivering naked body before walking away. 

The consecutive brutal s3x had left some bruises on Kimberly's genital which was why she couldn't hold back the scream that tormented her throat at that time. She couldn't hold back her tears anymore after he left and cried till her heart was content. 

On getting to his room, Damian logged into the internet and put the search engine to use. He wanted to know why he was feeling this way. 

In this place, everything that they do on the Internet is within what the organization wants them to. There are some keywords that a person would search for that would cause the internet to automatically log them out and blacklist them. Their rights to use the Island's provided internet would be taken back. 

But what Damien was searching for wasn't a violation of the protocol.