Bullying Damien

"So? Since when did I become my brother? Like my sister-in-law said, don't get family involved in men's fights. If you hadn't touched my cargo, you would have had one less enemy and if you hadn't stretched your fang to my sister-in-law, you would have also gotten three less enemies." 

"What do you mean three less enemies?" Talking with these unreasonable Lus was stressing him out. 

"Ah, my brother will avenge his wife, I will avenge my sister-in-law, and she will also avenge herself. Hehe… you didn't think we'd let you go scot-free, right?" Rex glared maliciously at him.

"Chaos," Damien turned to look at the lazy looking Maverick. "Wh–" 

"My wife and brother are angry. What can I do?" 

"Oh? So you don't want to get involved?" He asked.

"No, but rest assured, you're still useful so you won't be killed."