The talk show

A thunderous round of applause and screams that contested with the sound of claps were heard from the excited audience.

After the noise died down, the host continued. "Hahaha… of course. But Jeslyn, you mesmerize me. This is the first time I've come across an artist who has a big dream like yours and I'm impressed and I guess your fans are too." 

"Yes, we are!!!" Came the audience's excited screams.

Jeslyn blew them a kiss before she continued her answer. "...As for my leap in success, hmm… of course, it wasn't expected. I was shocked and I believe most viewers saw that…"

"You mean this?" The host cut her off and a shocked photo of Jeslyn was brought up on the screen behind her. 

It was an unaware photo taken while Jeslyn was on stage… precisely when she saw Valen and her husband walking in.

"Hahahaha…" the audience laughed.