Jeslyn's restlessness

Madam Caroline was at a spa, having her skin and nails tended to when she heard the reporter on the TV, placed in the VIP room.

[ "Famous actress Piper and the Superstar Actor, Brian who had gone missing for a week has been rescued. Both of them are in intensive care as Piper is terribly sick from the mistreatment she got from those people.

"There's a speculation going around that the main cast of LOVE IS TIMELESS was kidnapped by rival companies to obstruct the movie's scheduled promotional campaign. 

"Even though some fans believe that we can't come to that conclusion just yet. Let us know what you think after seeing the victims' outcome" ]

A video of Piper, lying on the bed with tubes and Injections fixed on her was displayed on the TV.

Madam Caroline froze when she saw her daughter in such a horrible state. After a while, she relaxed and commanded: 

"Hurry up, my daughter needs me," with that, the ladies continued with her nails.