Rejecting the princess

His helmet broke into pieces and he got some serious injury on his head, prompting blood to cover a part of his injured face.

While Rex was battling between life and death from the gunshot wound and the heavy fall that probably dislocated or broke a few bones in his body, he heard a shrill sound coming from a lady. 

Soon, the owner of the crying voice appeared and knelt in front of him, trying to carry him off the group but Rex believed she wasn't strong enough to, so she started crying and begging for help. That was all that Rex could recall before he lost consciousness. 

When he woke up after a few months, he went in search of his savior and discovered that she was going through tough times at the hands of her relatives. 

To pay her back for saving his life, Rex went after her but realized she didn't know him. So without telling her who he was, Rex became her knight in shining armor and blessed her beyond imagination.