Mind-blowing secret

Meanwhile, at Fearless Entertainment... 

Manager Kate was having a headache reading the comments. The rumor about Jeslyn killing Christine is still ongoing and now this? 

The rumor could have been taken care of in a snap but Jeslyn asked her not to do anything just yet until the fight online has reached its maximum. 

Manager Kate understood what that scheming brat wanted to do but what about this one? How is she going to tell the world she has a husband and a kid? 

"Forget it, what do I care? Her husband can handle it." She said begrudgingly but the next minute, she grabbed her phone to make a few calls. 


At the hospital… 

Jeslyn entered the VIP ward but no one was in there. Surprised, she went back and started asking questions until someone told her that Lolita was in Doc Matt's office. 

She barged into the office after a first knock, breathing heavily as she searched for her dear friend with her gaze.