Press Conference

A few days had passed and things seemed to have fallen into place except for the rumor that Jeslyn refused to debunk. When her Manager asked her, she said she was tired of hiding her family and wanted to come clean but to achieve a better result and feed on the people's sympathy, there has to be a bigger rumor that should 'force' her against her will to come out. 

Jeslyn didn't wait for long because a few days later, a rumor that was big enough to ruin her career swept the internet before she woke up. The incessant ringing of her phone woke the young lady from sleep. She slept late last night because she and Pink were on the phone for a long time. 

Ever since Pink traveled a few weeks ago to look for Brian, they haven't spoken to each other. Which was why they spent so much time on call last night.

"Hello," her tired and drowsy voice sounded with the phone in her ear.