Charity event (4)

"Clap, clap, clap!" 

The sound of a clap came from the front seat, followed by a calm but domineering voice. 

"The rules also stated that a reputable person can bring along a friend, so… as a Miss from a reputable family and the highest earning celebrity, I have the privilege to bring someone along, right? So if you say that Alpha Chaos' wife, an uprising super Celebrity cannot be here, despite her outstanding status that is more powerful than yours, surely she can be here as my partner, or can she not?" 

Celestine chimed in. She walked forward and stood shoulder to shoulder with Jeslyn as she looked at their enemies like they were staring at undervalued objects.


"As a Young Miss from a reputable family and Inspector Fin's fiance, is Jeslyn not eligible to be here as my partner?" Beverly stood by Jeslyn and so did Piper. 

"Surely, if I can be here, so can my sister-in-law!" Piper said as she held Jeslyn's hand.